Haha, first the rival maid selling off her secret, now the noble lady forcing her to go straight into the lion's den, lmao, she has such crappy luck

This is like a tamer version of The Palace of Bardo (yes, believe it or not, a tamer version...) only the reincarnation plot was done much better, I think. never got to finish Bardo because my interest faded after a certain character's past life memories came back, but here the suspense solved that problem (for me, at least). And wow this was such a thriller! The moment I saw the kidnapper guy, I started suspecting what was going on... and I was right!

Gosh, it's getting slow pace again, with chapters filled with nothing but dialogue, and it isn't even interesting dialogue

I didn't think there was any room left for her so called "father" to be even more disgusting, but who would've known, he managed to surprise me. His body language around her is also beyond creepy. Pretty sure this guy isn't her real bio dad, and that he's perfectly aware of it

This is so stupid and I'm loving it, now I know what to read in order to relieve stress and tension

JayJay (I'm back!) created a topic of ENNEAD

Oh, my god... Please tell me they're not saying what I think they're saying...

If it's what I think it is, I can already feel the agonizing saddness I felt while reading Toni Morrison's "Beloved"... (So, please, Seth... make that guy... SUFFER...)

Green hair: "How did you get in?"

FL: "What do you mean 'how'? Look at the colors of my dress, isn't it obvious I'm Spiderman??"

JayJay (I'm back!) created a topic of Dog Fur Romance

Why is the boss so naiveñy dumb and reckless... Dude, the workplace and your subordinate employee are not a good places to start experiencing your "coming out" *face palm* The minute you start liking a *direct* subordinate that way, you should get them transfered the heck out of your office

Yan's such a cutie too... But building the kingdom he dreams of would certainly drain all his energy away too. I'm worried that Tilly's constant remarks that he's still a baby inside (bc of the sweets, the bunny plushie and this dream) might be a foreshadowing that he'll again be forced to suffer

Ok, going by the intensity of this ML's trust issues (...or, more like, his full-blown "paranoia"...) I'm starting to wonder if there's a chance he's acting like this because of the way his father treated his mother (as just a mistress, etc etc), I'm even trying to think about what kind of scenarios would make a guy grow up with THIS level of relationship insecurity: I don't dare think yet about the chance the ML became like this due to getting cheated on in some previous relationship (because, that would have to mean he has had another "serious" affair before, aside from his "thing" for the mc). However, hasn't the ML been caught up in his feelings for the mc *for ages* (specifically, since high school?). So, leaving the chance of a previous failed relationship aside, the only possibility that is left is that he's reacting like this because of the impact that his own parents' shaky relationship had on him.

Still, I can only imagine someone "projecting their parents' relationship" this bad onto their own relationship if it was a lot worse than just an infidelity: maybe because his dad took "infidelity" to another level, decieving his mom not just by having another woman, but by having a whole hidden double-life with an entire second family to match, "on the side" (wife and kids and all...)? Heck, maybe rhe only reason his mom got called "the mistress" was because he didn't put a ring on her finger too, like he did with the other lady (I mean, it's all thanks to the internet that nowadays no one can get away with being "legally" bigamous anymore, because, believe it or not, before the internet it wasn't that easy for people to get notified whenever "creatures" like those broke the law by secretly tying the "legal" knot with two different women, at the same time)

This was such an intense chapter! But what happened to the cult leader? Was he offed, or wasn't he?? Will our FL start changing into different outfits if she borrows other constellations' powers, like she did just now with Saggitarius' green cloth thingies from chapter 13?? And kudos to Estelle for finally dicthing all those dumbos around her, running of to prove just how worthy she is of her new saintly status and powers (she figured out the crows' intention with the sleeping monster, almost immediately! We love our FL having a 'worthy' succesor ! *heart*)

Chapter 33: anyone else had trouble loading some pages? I checked in another site and realized this issue had almost made me miss half of what was happening in this chapter...
(and it was the most interesting scenes of the entire chapter, to top it off!)

Chapter 63's summary

Loina: "Screw the lil brother who's my age... gimme the older brother!"

Little prince: "Please have a fake engagement with your (almost) adopted brother, making both the crown prince and your younger sister (...who for some reason is NOT also my brother's - almost - adopted younger sister) very VERY upset."

Woa, did adult Rachel always have that figure and attitude??? She's a bomshell menace!! hahaha.
Yas... the FL will take part in the siren's interrogation, and that's when she'll most probably get the chance to find out something (I also bet Miss Siren is dying to talk to her, too, if just to say sth about the ML's "rather intense" hidden intentions... lmao)

The alleged "harem" is turning out to be only two guys who get all the scenes: the ex gladiator and the blushing knight... and neither of the two is particularly entertaining. It's getting boring. Even the stepsister annoying everyone with her newfound "faith" due to her crush on the cutie priest is becoming more fun than the FL's boring "seductions"

I have a nagging feeling the killer isn't either of the two MLs, but her father (my gut feeling is, the guy was never her real father, since she looks nothing like him)

JayJay (I'm back!) created a topic of Backlight

ML: "I'm gonna use your wish to protect me from scandals to make you agree to being my sex toy, and once you agree, I'm gonna torture you for abandoning me back in high school..."

Also ML: "Didn't get to prolong the torture cause I came right away bc of how much I like you..."

Stupid ass.

JayJay (I'm back!) created a topic of Backlight

Heh, you keep trying to drive him into a corner to force him to be honest about his feelings... but it's not like you were ever honest with him either, Mr "I like a(nother) dude so be a good 'friend' and help me test it"