Thalia created a topic of Jinx

the schizo posters never take any breaks like i am begging you to GET A JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!! spend your time at an animal shelter or something

Thalia answered question about question
dont care abt the tic tac just here to promote my favs Murderer Llewellyn's enchanting dinner invitation raising a bat
Thalia created a topic of Jinx

it doesnt matter how abused jaekyung was in the past it doesnt excuse his awful behavior towards everyone

Thalia created a topic of Jinx

almost nothing happened in this chapter i can literally summarize it in ONE sentence.

jaekyung gets taunted by junmin and jaekyung's pain relief spray was swapped out by the other team.


Thalia created a topic of Jinx


Thalia created a topic of Jinx

> check new jinx update
> its dan being a crybaby and jaekyung being a jerk
> "fuck its the same thing every chapter
> "im dropping this literally nothing is happening"
> jinx gets a new chapter
> "well i'll just check to see if anything new happened"

lather, rinse, repeat


Thalia created a topic of Kiss me, Liar

NAHHH they named the kid SPENCER????? SPENCER?@!?!?!?! are you fucking kiding me?????? spencer like the guy from icarly????? absolutely not

Thalia created a topic of Jinx

im sorry guys Anya's having another mental breakdown... please excuse and ignore their posts, theyre just trying to get a reaction out of people. thank you for puting up with her and being patient with her.

Thalia answered question about question
not autistic but i LOVE teapots and teacups and saucers and plates and cutlery and OOH rococo and baroque and uh
Thalia created a topic of Jinx

idc abt the grandma medicine cure or whateva but DOUBLE SALARY????? dan needs to get that bag and enter his slut era. i just wanna see dan hoeing around for an entire season

Thalia created a topic of Jinx

"slow burn" my ass i could summarize this entire story so far into two 5 sentence paragraphs

Thalia answered question about being black sheep of mggo
trying to get attention on mggo since you cant get any from your parents
Thalia answered question about being black sheep of mggo
i have like 2 mutuals and we have never spoken since we became moots so
Thalia answered question about question
im absolutely mortified of death. the thought of a black empty void for ETERNITY is horrifying. the concept of forever is so hard to grasp but knowing that ill be dead FOREVER like no rebirth no reincarnation just VOID
Thalia answered question about discord server
i have chronic nightmares i literally have nightmares everytime i go to sleep and ive tried so many meds but nothing works FUCK YOU DR RETT MY FUCKING PSYCHIATRIST sorry im dreading going to sleep cuz i know im gonna have another vivid nightmare i cant get any restful sleep im constantly tired and exhausted im so stressed its been years anyways t......
Thalia created a topic of Jinx

ten fuckin whole days more just for the entire chapter to be jkyung throwing a temper tantrum and yelling at dan. mingwa i know your every more

Thalia answered question about make a picrew
I'd probably be the daughter of a translator or banker, so upper-middle class. I'd get married to a reasonable man with a good, stable job so I don't have to worry about money. Then I'd do the classic "pump a million kids out" or kill my husband and frame it as an accident if he acts outta line and inherit all of his money. :)
Thalia created a topic of Jinx

i hope dan will ignore jkyung's upcoming temper tantrum and goes immediately to the coaches. but if i were in his position i would be selling him out so hard like yeah his arm is FUCKED!!!!!! and take pics of hoes entering his hotel rooms before matches every night to start a scandal abt secret informers or smth idk