I was literally read a manga when the site went down it felt like something broke in my mind. I was refreshing every 5 mins just to see if it was real. I tried other sites but they pissed me off with the ads felt like throwing my phone away. I'm happy it's back I can read till I fall asleep.
Question all my manga notifications will be updated right?
Whenever I read these type of stories it irritates me. I can't understand how your family and supernatural is powerful. You have the gift of having future events, you see guys are flipping destined to be together but you push him away and deny your own feelings? Yeah I get it you don't wanna be ruled by the power you have or your scared of what will happen if you get involved with him. But you also saw the outcome of what happened to his siblings when you held your tongue. Smh
I dont think the top cant change the event that will happen, more like he won't. You know the rules, if he changes the event shit could go down a different path and the bottom siblings still died, can't blame him for afraid that he might mess up. Yeh, but these adult can't communicate, like wtf?!
Think about this, how does he not know or what if because he refused to be with him the situation the uke has been in isn't a direct negative effect? They both suffering but the uke is suffering spiritual. He's like an amplifier to his power if you think k about it.