dgotmaback created a topic of Semantic Error
dgotmaback created a topic of Waterside Night

i personally believe all morals and ethics go out the window when you are reading:
1. gay (mlm) smut written by cishet women
2. on a site that pirates from the original author and the author receives no monetary gain from the 100s of daily readers on said site
3. omegaverse/non trans mpreg

like no one is right here n the moral high horse is not applicable...just enjoy ur porn wit barely a plot in peace n leave others alone....this isnt twitter/tumblr/reddit....you dont not have to prove to everyone how righteous you are! its okay you and everyone else will live!!

dgotmaback created a topic of Punch Drunk Love
dgotmaback created a topic of Semantic Error

when two autistics fall in love <3

its seriously not that deep....if you do not want to read a BL where one of the characters has a vagina......simply do not read it. it will not kill you. you do not have to comment "this isnt bl" or "thats not a man"....we all understand that BLs like this are fetish porn...but there are also trans readers that see ur comments and take that sentiment personally....just be careful with what you say and simply avoid these type of stories....dont make a bigger issue out of it.

dgotmaback created a topic of That Sexapparition

talkin about that while playin wit tha bottoms cum filled booty is crazy

dgotmaback created a topic of Hallelujah Baby

touka was cuter in vol 1 :/

dgotmaback created a topic of Under the Green Light

just died and came back to life

dgotmaback created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

it just takes one loving, kind, compassionate adult figure to impact a child's life positively...although jeong is a grown man, just hearing those few words of kindness and encouragement is healing his inner child lol... (real world shit)...

dgotmaback created a topic of He Wants to Drown

lol only one that didnt care for the first couple lolololololol