That was pretty good, but I still don't understand why people fall in love with him as he wakes up from death Σ(っ°Д °;)っ SCENARIO EXPLAIN ! I AM CONFUSION !

Well that could explain it (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ but the "demon" (I don't know what he is exactly honestly ) only granted him two wishes : to escape from his foster house and to be kept alive until he showed them he was having a good life #-.-) And we can see that he just wishes to be loved when he is in despair but that's also why he gives up his memories so easily and hastly so I don't know. The glasses guy could have taken the "better life" as "someone to love" and could have made it that way to give a chance to his buddy to fulfill their contract but I don't know honestly and that's why I was confused (but interpretation can be good sometimes too (≧∀≦) )

I honestly don't know but he only says "the first person I see when I open my eyes" and not the person he saved ┗( T﹏T )┛(and I don't know if personally I would fall in love with someone who dies in front of me but is fine the day after (ノ≧∇≦)ノ) But thanks for the theories, that gives me ideas because well I was really frustrated (≧∀≦)

Wow, that's so dumb I mean, even without a DNA test, she has to have to have distinctive marks (such as birthmarks, moles or scars #-.-) ) What is wrong with these people fr #-.-) But I swear this guy is an idiot. I mean, you know your gf is psycho, but you still send ultra-important DNA to get tested without surveillance, like bruh ( ̄∇ ̄")

Well, I guess that Trashta's backstory was meant to make me empathize with her but... Well that didn't really work out (≧∀≦) I know it may sound a bit sadistic, but honestly I was a little content that she was nothing more than a miserable person ╮( ̄^ ̄)╭ (Although, I wish her child was not dead though because nobody deserves to die, even more just because your mother is EVIL) Because, if you objectively compare the two women, weeeeeeell... One is kind, graceful, smart, modest, composed, educated, beautiful inside and outside, reliable, competent, does not create problems and is perfect in every way while the other... is named TRASH. It says it all. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ Sorry if I can't show compassion for someone like her (and it doesn't happen often, I'm usually the devil's advocate) but enough is enough (⌒▽⌒) So please stay with Trashoe, let the passion die away with the years and live a hard, stressful, full of responsabilities life in wich you won't be able to acomplish anything, will always feel inferior and will always feel lonely and unloved (even more by your child who will feel abandoned and never forgive you) (=・ω・=) (Okay, I feel bad but just because I know what's ahead of her and well... I would not wish it for anyone, even you Trashta ( ̄∇ ̄") but I can't lie and this clumsy part where the author wants us to feel bad for her lmao, probably didn't go as expected (≧∀≦))

I don't know if I'm the only one but I highkey ship Tia ans Carsein soooooo much Like, he's sweet, honest, loyal, pure, don't care about appearances etc... He's the best ! Because the two others, bruh... I mean the Prince, he-..... well, let's not talk about him because I don't know how she can bear to be in the same Galaxy as him, that piece of trash honestly (even if I know how the manga finishes, I'm so disappointed ) and the Weed, well, he could be cool, but really too obsessed and I agree that he looks more like an older brother to her than a lover ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Ps: Those three (Weed, Carrot and Blue Trash) in the same pictures are either the Power Rangers or the starters of Pokemon I swear (≧∀≦)

Wow, didn't know I could have that much hate in my heart (≧∀≦) Oh my god but (let me be blunt) Just die already you Trashta (that's the only name she deserves, let's be real, thanks to the translator, I died (≧∀≦) )No "please", it's karma at this rate. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ Like, I laughed so hard with the Heidi meme when the prince pushes the Emperor off of the cliff, like, totally MOOOOOD. That lowly wench, (sorry it's not polite but it's been a long time since I've been that astonished by someone's unlikabality), how can you even look at yourself in the mirror like tf (≧∀≦) But we always love a strong Queeeeeeen and I really appreciate the plot (=・ω・=) Really original, well-written, good characters and love the whole remarriage situation with an even more handsome husband (like this boy, no flaws tho, he can even turn into a bird and take a peak at his loved-one, I mean, how unfair is that (≧∀≦) )
Can't wait for the regrets of the ex (ノ≧∇≦)ノ(good luck discovering her true personality over the years, cause nobody can lie forever. And good luck with her ruining the Empire bc lol who is she anyway, she doesn't even know how to write, is extremely passive, cry all the time and idle around all day, so good luck giving her really important political responsabilities)
Imma say it now, this boy is just a rebellious teen and he needs a good return to reality ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

The fact that I read all of this and literally agreed with EVERY WORD is what astonishes me.... and also the fact that the emperor can be so blind and stupid and expect the empress to act for the good of the country when he is with that sorry excuse for a human being and wants to make her the new empress AS IF she could handle all that work

Thanks (≧∀≦) And I'm sorry it was this long but I was so frustrated, and I couldn't hold it in any longer (≧∀≦) And I know right ? Who, in their right mind would allow this good-for-nothing-except-ruin-the-life-of-others to become the empress ? I wish the emperor would just realize his error and find happiness (even if he doesn't deserve it) just because I think nobody is completely Trash (except for Trashta, of course) but I lowkey want him to suffer just a bit before to satisfy me and my inner increasing desire of revenge (≧∀≦)

THANK YOU SO MUCH TO HAVE PICKED UP THE TRANSLATION ╥﹏╥ Like, I saw a notification, I obviously thought it was a false alarm but then I saw ! ╥﹏╥ I think you can hear the screams of your fans all over the comment section but really Thank you ╥﹏╥ It's sometimes so frustrating to start a story that is never finished (althtough I'm really thankful it was even translated in the first place) (ノ≧∇≦)ノ I LOOOVE YOOUU, YOU HAVE HAVE WELL-SERVED YOUR PEOPLE MASTER (≧∀≦)

Ok the manwha is kinda good (not gonna lie, we're just here for the smut, not the scenario lmao (≧∀≦) ) but bruh how can they love each other when they've talked like 3 times, and he just spends his free time sleeping/sliping alway (ノ≧∇≦)ノ But love the fact that they showed that s*x with love and care for your partner's pleasure is the best (=・ω・=) Good job overall (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Am I the only not understanding why the drama ? Like wtf ? I know it seems a bit dishonest buuuuuut I mean if you're unhappy, just learn korean (or whatever it is) and work as a translator and do the other chapters
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ Like you shouldn't think they owe you the chapters just cause they uploaded a few, you didn't make a contract as far as I know (≧∀≦) So I don't know but respect what they did so far, don't join them if you don't want to (bc yeah I don't understand either why they promoted here but who reads the first pages (notes of the translators) for real ? So you shouldn't even bother talk about it because it makes them more of a hot topic) Don't be angry because they didn't finish their work (like I said previously, they translate on their own will and that's already really nice because who would be able to do it in their stead ? Not me personally (≧∀≦) ) but be satisfied that you could read a few chapters of this cool manga that someone will maybe translate later, I don't know (=・ω・=) (but there's a bunch of mangas out here anyway that you can enjoy as well, don't be sad my dear (ノ≧∇≦)ノ )

No one feels entitled to the rest of the chapters. They're scamming people who join their discord since its full of ads which they're earning money from. And this isn't even a legal translation so why are they trying to profit from it?

I understand what you're trying to say and I'm not okay either with it but other groups do it as well and they're not as insulted as that, so I'm very much confused as to why this manga in particular has caused so much drama
(=・ω・=) And the fact that I've seen a lot of comments saying "why even start it if you're not going to finish it" is a reality sadly, like I understand it's upsetting but it shouldn't cause such an uproar like I'm so lost ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Y’know I think it’s because this author has other known works on here and there’s an established fan base or whatever. Also the quarantine has given people loads of free time

People don't feel entitled to the chapters - in fact, we are very grateful for the people who translate things for free for us.
However, people are upset at the group for trying to profit from their illegal work, and through scamming people into joining their discord which is full of ads.
This is a very common marketing technique - free trial period, pay to read the rest, which many legit places like Webtoon do. LEGIT places.
People wouldn't be so mad, however, if there weren't so many anons going around stirring the pot and being rude to people, anons who are defending the group. If you read back, almost every single comment has an anon or a fake account replying to their complaints very rudely.
Which okay, people talk shit, they get to hear shit back, but that's not exactly a smart move to do to your public if you want them to go to your website to support you. And they were more rude than the readers imo.
Not to mention they didn't really go nicely about asking people.
In the end, it's the group themselves who are acting entitled to the readers and stirring the pot.
In comparison to the very nice group who does some of nekota yonezou's works (they are really nice and deal really well with any drama), this group looks like too much drama.

I know the majority probably don't feel entitled but I'm honest when I said that I saw a bunch of comments about it, and that didn't make me feel good because it shouldn't be taken for granted( ̄へ ̄)But thanks again for your reply, it's always welcomed to have feedback of the events and some things I didn't know about but I still don't support the drama because it really gives a bad image of translators (in general is what I'm trying to say) and it's not the first one I come across and that's always what stands out the most and not the hard work of the silent majority so it annoys me a whole lot. But thanks for being respectful and polite (in fact, because of the recent bug of mangago, I don't know about the dislikes of my post but I guess there will be a lot, so I'm thankful to have not been bashed yet (≧∀≦) )

I think everyone could benefit so much more if people were polite like you.
I don't think it gives a bad image on translators in general, or I surely hope not, just on this group.
I'm very thankful for the translators for the hard work they do for free, and of which I can take much enjoyment of.
But, ultimately, I also understand that what they do is illegal work, and this may sound really ungrateful (I swear I'm not), but in the end, they're doing it because they want to. They aren't under any obligation to do it (which makes me really grateful for the good people who do it anyway), but we also aren't under any moral obligation to help them profit.
Tldr: I also don't like the drama, but everyone's wrong in this matter to feel entitled to anything.

Honestly I could tell you the same thing, I really appreciate how caring and respecful you are (I also saw you posted other comments about it and it was on the same tone and always thoughtful of others so thank you for that (=・ω・=) It's really nice to be able to debate like that, even if we don't always share mutual opinions )
But that's also been bothering me (sorry to keep talking to you but I feel at ease so I hope you understand (≧∀≦) ) : In addition to you, I also saw a few comments about how Mangago is illegal. But personally, I agree you don't get to directly support the author but for me, online scans really have their place in the manga market because for example I know that I have already read a manga online (on Mangago exclusively) and bought what I already read in real because it's not the same feeling at all. Yet I know that there's a whole bunch of mangas that I could never have even knew existed if it wasn't for this site so, from my point of view, it is not only a good way to make your book known by a larger community (foreigners for example) but it is also a great way to spread the Manga Ilness (≧∀≦) Well, what I mean is that without a taste, you couldn't know if it is to your liking and you don't necessarily find the rare pearl when buying it and don't always feel the need to spend more money on things that didn't catch your attention (=・ω・=) So okay, I agree it's not really the best solution but it's not at all all bad neither (not that I think that's what you think, just conveying my honest feelings with someone pleasant (ノ≧∇≦)ノ ) (I talk really too much so sorry for the time taken (≧∀≦) )

Oh my ! It's so good ╥﹏╥ I love how the author really shows all the hardships you can encounter when becoming a parent at such a young age (=・ω・=) And fake dad, don't come near our sweet Shizuku ! Her real dad is Hazuki now ! (ノ≧∇≦)ノ I mean, from my point of view, a father is one who watched you grow, helped you when facing difficult things and taking care of you, just as what he did for both his children (for me, in this case, blood doesn't matter at all (● ̄(エ) ̄●))
I really really want to see them all happy after all this sh*t, like they deserve so much joy and love !(=・ω・=)
Plus, I don't want this heart-warming atmosphere to shatter because of this annoying creep ( ̄ ³ ̄) Go away you demon and let us enjoy the love ! (≧∀≦)
"He saw I stole his underwear, he will find out I'm gay and I like him" Like... TH ? (≧∀≦) Boy, I think you're missing the whole point here, if I may (≧∀≦) It's not about being gay there (it's irrelevant at this point) but you freaking STOLE. HIS. UNDERWEAR. (And on a side note, took a STRAW he drank with and put it up your ass, like...that's the most absurd yaoi scene I've ever seen, and heck, I've seen a bunch) I mean, even if he was a girl, that would get you in a whole lot of problems (⊙…⊙ ) And it's just so disrespectful and distrustful from his part (like the other gave him his trust and he goes through his stuff w/o permission and the whole, and even if the other is a stalker too, that doesn't excuse absolutely nothing ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭) I mean, I know it's a yaoi (and there's some crazy stuff in here for everyone because everyone has their taste) but seeing that kid just lightly taking robbery is not cute (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 I know I'm getting too fired up and it's only a manga but I just laughed so much when I read it that I had to talk about it (≧∀≦)