So, It has come to my attention that a lot a people like this story because it is cute and heartwarming. Since I have read the raws, I will not spoil but simply warn you: it will get super dark. Like PTSD and this is an horrible world for innocent children to leave in kind of dark. So if you are a sensitive person and don't like touchy subjects, for your own sanity, refrain to read the next chapters until you are in the clear. (starting chapter 8).

Here you go. It will really take you by suprise.

So, in the lastest "behind the scenes" chapters the Director and dear Captain are talking together about the marimonial future of Sei, saying that she will soon got a lot of marriages candidates, be it out of love or out of self-interest (she is steadily becoming richer and richer). And Captain is saying that he will soon make a move too and that the reason he wasn't that proactive is out of consideration for Sei who is not used to courtship and who has suddenly be dumped in an foreign world. So, yep, it is happening people.

i read the latest raw web novel too.
I wonder what the Hawk family will think of her though... she is a commoner but a saint... Alberto is nobility...i don't think the next chapter will be like they will get engage right away. Maybe the author will write more stuff about some social gather or something or Sei meeting Alberto's parents. Who else's family will make a move too Jude's ? Johann? can't wait!

SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, in the lastest chapter of the webnovel Violette admit having fallen in love with Yuran. She understand even more than what she was feeling for the prince wasn't actually love. I think we got our endgame! Now all that is left je for one of them to confess to the other. I hope it won't turn into a tragedy.

So, I have tried to read the novel in Korean (with a lot of help from google translate) and I have a burning question in my mind...
Did Tia's father freaking died at the end? Is this serious? And what was the deal with this letter written a long time ago forgiving any sin, including hight trahison against the imperial family, committed by Tia's family by a previous Emperor? If he had this letter, why have Tia's father not used it? Or have I completely misunderstood the last chapters? If so, was the person who died the Emperor?

It is a bit difficult to explain how so I will just post a link to the very last chapter here:
The FL need to have more self respect. The ML is a self-entitled jerk. He complain that she think poorly of him after everything? After he blackmailed people close to her to force her to remarry him? That everything should be forgiven after apologizing? That he deserve to get jelous when everything was other between them and he was the one with the rumours? What an ass. He is toxic and the FL should have run away as soon as the ML was out of blackmail material. He decided to be a jerk to "let her go" because he is infertile? What about coming clear, letting her choose or even adopting a child?... Seriously, there is so many problems with this story.
There is no such thing as self respect in there stories. Idk why i continue reading haha. I genuinely hated these characters
But I mean he got da moneyyyyyyy
Tbh I would also snatch the pretty guy with a multi millionaire company. Lmaoo. ;;
This is how my brokenness affected me and my self respecttttt.