Hi, just wanted to ask if anyone genuinely liked this awful thing that has sadly begun popping up. I sadly read a terrible guide verse to begin with, but I basically understand that the guide verse is just an omegaverse but set in the world of a “dungeon/hunter” world (if you get what I mean, Solo leveling esque stories)
And they’re bad. They don’t satisfy either craving of the dungeon part, or the “omegaverse” part. They’re just ways to take advantage of characters more pitiful than omegas in the omegaverse lol.
This was written as half a joke, please don’t take this too seriously. Wouldn’t mind being recommend decent stories so my point is proven wrong. Have a nice day!
I'll introduce to a different concept, its related to magic, the plot building is very good and so are the characters, read it in this specific order as they're kinda connected also don't be put off by the art at the start, it changes for the better in just a few chapters :
Song of Reverberation
The Promise
The moment they said “That means you consent right?” was enough of a warning sign LMAOOO