I was first hesitant if I should read this. Thankful to the other readers who said it was worth it! It turns out to be one I can sink my teeth into. Am now at chapter 20, doing a marathon reading... Just paused for a coffee break (literally).
Even though the twins may have transmigrated (and supposedly were 23 at that time), having been abused by their biological (social climbing) mother of this era, left deep psychological scars. Their feeling of abandonment, their deep seated pain, their repressed anger, being unable to trust, feelings of unworthiness - it felt like a lump had got stuck on my throat as I kept reading. But the manga tries to keep it light. After all, the story is seen thru eyes of young children. Hopefully their idiot emperor father can make it up to them. Loving how their brothers, specially Eiji dotes on them.
Glad to see they do gave a guardian (not spoiling!)... But it looks like a fox not a wolf?...
I'll continue reading because it really is an enjoyable story.

As much as I feel for Ha Joyoon, I'm intrigued with Shin Kwonjoo as well. What's his backstory? Why did he become so cold? The times he shows warmth is like a tiny opening of his shell before he closes it once again. They both may have similar trauma via different circumstances and different perspectives. He mentioned a close friend who died... could this have something to do with it? Even his ex-wife mentioned his cold heartedness. It's like how some people become aloof and cold as a defense mechanism so they won't get hurt or traumatized again.
I hope Yoon recovers fully... he's slowly moving on from his broken heart. I doubt he'll stay with Kwonjoo unless the guy changes and shows sincerely he wants a deeper relationship. Right now, in my opinion, Yoon accepts their current set up more for the physical warmth. He's bouncing back, both from the break up and from his coma, and holds on to any support he can get - like how a drowning person tries to grab hold onto anything to keep afloat to survive. He's not only unwell physically, but mentally (due to stress) and emotionally. And he doesn't want to be a burden to anyone. I hope he doesn't fall into depression. It's heartening to see how he really tries to move on towards recovery.

Both Taejung and Youngwoo are guilty... the latter even more so. Having been the third party, Youngwoo will always have insecurities. After all, Taejung and Yoon were together - childhood friends that became lovers. Taejung is an idiot - he doesn't know what he really wants and just makes excuses. It even seems that Taejung doesn't really know what real love is... it certainly should not be based on guilt, imagined or not.
I hope Yoon and Kwon's relationship does develop into something more solid.
I am curious of Kwon's backstory...

I finally found a historical rebirth story where the seme is not an ass (I dropped several mangas/manhwas due to seme wanting me to reach in the stories to kill em). He realizes he was such an idiot in his previous life and becomes a wife-con and a happy henpecked hubby... Both the novel (ongoing translation) and manhwa giving me toothache because of the sweetness... (≧∀≦)
Thank you translators!!!

Reading the comments and such... I really must commend Fargo's talent. To have readers feel for the characters - whether it be love, hate, sadness, fluff, etc.
Just my opinion... but I do like each of the characters' development. The main couple are developing their relationship as a couple and family, and learning to open up and accept themselves and each other (slow, but it's there). Hyesung has accepted that he does like his hubby. Has even learned to voice out his insecurities. Dojin, I feel now has a but of a ditzy side when it comes to his Hyesung, but is quite supportive (considering what other characters said about him being selfish in the past).
Heeso and Dojun, too are more at ease with each other (with Heeso less sarcastic and Dojun actually being able to say what he really feels about things). Heeso actually has a soft spot and can be caring. I liked what he said about how it would be nice to have more happy people... But even more, I liked how he wasn't ecstatic abt Chowon lowering himself. It shows he moved on but can still empathize.
Chowoon is a surprise. Fargo actually gave him a chance to try to redeem himself. Yeah, he was the one character I really didn't like... However, I don't agree that the rape/attempted rape and his other deeds were being made light of. The author showed his side and humanized him. He was even able confront himself and accept that he was wrong and was willing to lower his pride and ask for forgiveness. Something I don't see often seep in many stories.
But I do agree Byul is the cutest in this manhwa! And I'm guessing why the two were blushing, hehehe.

Yeah... Parents forget that their kids have their own lives, have their own dreams and need to fall and make mistakes to become the person they're suppose to be. Parents can only guide and protect... our kids don't owe us anything, except becoming the best that they can be. The greatest acheivement a parent has is to see their child grow into respectable adults... And to have a person next to their precious child, to grow old together is a big bonus. Sexual orientation is only part of who they are... but it's a part of the whole. And it's accepting the whole that you see their awesomeness.
... there shoulda been a warning! My eyes stung at chapter 53. By the time I got to 55 I was cryin'!!! Tissues!!! Where are my tissues!
(but now crying with relief and joy... still need tissues...)
...now lemme go back to marathon reading to the latest chapter.