Was I honestly the only one hoping for a second couple. I kinda wanted to see if Woojin and Juho would end together idk yall they seem like they would have good chemistry
Lots of people are also looking forward for them. :(( hope the author decides to at least make a short side stories for them
does anyone know what chapter ch 23 is in the novel? or is it also chapter 23 in the novel
I think the comment above you says 34
Do you guys know if there are more chapters? if so please send me the link
they're not yet translated but here they are in korean https://newtoki311.com/webtoon/30965073?stx=%ED%86%A0%EB%81%BC%EB%8A%94+3%EC%B4%88%EB%A9%B4+%EC%82%AC%EC%A0%95%ED%95%A9%EB%8B%88%EB%8B%A4&title=%ED%86%A0%EB%81%BC%EB%8A%94-3%EC%B4%88%EB%A9%B4-%EC%82%AC%EC%A0%95%ED%95%A9%EB%8B%88%EB%8B%A4
Was I honestly the only one hoping for a second couple. I kinda wanted to see if Woojin and Juho would end together idk yall they seem like they would have good chemistry
Lots of people are also looking forward for them. :(( hope the author decides to at least make a short side stories for them