If I don't see blond girl supporting the female lead like a boss, I'm gonna start a riot. I know pretty blond a love rival but let them be friends at the start at the very least. SHE DOESN'T NEED TO BE A VILLAINESS.
Girl, I have positive emotions for you, but you did absolutely nothing to defend yourself there. I'm gonna be so disappointed if she lets any of her shitty family help you out. Even that duke with the horrible personailty and lucius malfoy locks would make this plot less frustating.
Also when is Jaekyung gonna calm down. I just want him booted from this story and Danny Boi never getting in a relationship until he has a shred of self confidence.
Legit like how can the antis in the story still try to trash moondae for being a bad person when he’s such a nice person in every scene he’s in on the show. Like what type of delusions are they living in.
If I don't see blond girl supporting the female lead like a boss, I'm gonna start a riot. I know pretty blond a love rival but let them be friends at the start at the very least. SHE DOESN'T NEED TO BE A VILLAINESS.
blonde girl honestly seems sensible and with a good head. hopefully