That's my last straw, i'm dropping this Jiho i understand what he is trying to do but it's just ridiculous at this point, bro Inwoo got so mad at you for you trying to arrange a surprise meeting between him and his mom which made him spiraled back in his depression and what genius idea do you have "lets give his mother his phone number lmao :DDD for sure its gonna make him feel better" AFTER INWOO EXPLECITLY TOLD HIM HOW BAD IT MADE HIM FEEL. LIKE OK he couldnt have guess how bad Inwoo would feel afterward like the getting back in depression and stuff BUT AGAIN BRINGING THE MOTHER UP AGAIN LIKE WHY. And the worst is that he know how inwoo is gonna be mad at him for it and stuff and he still does it. It just doesn't make sense to me that he's acting like this. Ok he is worried about Inwoo i get that but i hate that he act like he can resolve this tbh to a certain point that doesnt concern him and he have no business trying to act like a weird biased mediator between them.
Imagine, cutting one of your family member off for x or y reason you go out with someone and he is like trying to get you back in contact with that person by without your consent doing a surprise irl meeting or giving them your number thats SO FUCKED UP. I know this is fictional but i'm still mad.