Yeah they might be cute, but they're murderers. Not forgiving that.

Yes, because it's fiction, real people were not killed. If you clinically evaluate and judge the protagonists of every piece of media as if they were real because they kill someone in a thriller or what have you you might as well scratch off 90% of all stories ever told as something you'll likely never enjoy...

You like murders, good for you. I never said I didn't enjoy the story, I said i'm not about to let some amusement park date make ne forget that these 2 people are killers. I'm entilted to have that opinion. You're trying to argue with me over the way I view the story. Like relax, are you that triggered over what I said? Do you care about 2 fictional characters that much?!

It doesn't matter whether it's real or fiction does it? I love this story but it doesn't change the fact that they're murderers. And it's only normal to want them to be punished for their crimes. Just because it's not real doesn't mean I want them to ride into the sunset holding each others' hands. It's you who must evaluate your thoughts for getting all fired up over the OP saying they're criminals when it's nothing but true.

Lol so awkward. You're so desperate to prove yourself correct that you're insulting somebody's opinion and throwing insults left and right. You might not have any problems with murderers going on a date but somebody else does. Why act like a bitch when someone doesn't see things your way?

Yes, when someone insults me I insult them back and I guarantee you would never call me a bitch to my face so you can piss off with your bullshit internet tough guy act. I said the characters and their actions were fictional and shouldn't be taken that seriously, then they said that meant I was somehow taking it too seriously, saying that I love murderers because I'm not butthurt over fictional characters committing fictional crimes. Y'all are dumb as hell and stubbornly so, got it, have a nice night, I'm gonna go do something less annoying than talking to you.
Ugh , please let them be happy T_T