I feel bittersweet that this ended. The whole plot and stuff feels finished but not Abeno's and Ashiya's relationship if that makes any sense? Idk I would've liked to see more of them in the aftermath dealing with it together since the majority of the manga kinda hinges on their relationship. Idk I'm just blabbering

Anyone know when they'll find out that she was mistreated?

ALOT of things are gonna happen before he sees it himself, probably around 2022 we'll see it in the manhwa, but going from the Korean novel spoilers, a big fight happens, maxi gets badly injured (she was the healer and put up a huge shield on the Battlefield) Riftan sends her back to Croix castle, she gets mistreated by her father there, Riftan finds the urge to burst into the castle cuz her father was preventing him from meeting her, then he saw her father beating her with a whip

It's not "slow paced" really, I recommend to read the novel. Because all the things are necessary to lead up to riftan knowing her father's mistreatment. Remember, she can't up and tell him either, because Maxi would think that he'd be disgusted that his wife is a fake.
Once again, I recommend the novel, it's way more faster than the manhwa and updates every other day~

So far from the chapters Ive read from the novel and the spoilers, the issue with his father was kinda like just a “passing”. It wasnt focused that much( what I meant like maybe this issue was like just a chapter or two in the novel) but it was honestly heartbreaking I would say. Especially when you have read Riftan’s POV (yes there’s a separate book for that), you could see how much he treasured Maxi and worked so hard to be considered worthy to be with her or have her.
Tbh I hope the I can fix him mentality that the mc has for the crown prince doesn't work out. I almost dropped it at the beginning once I saw it. But luckily, so far it hasn't really shown any change in his character. I hope her I can fix him thing stops soon
she never actually intended to "fix him." she's said that she just wanted to keep him in check so that she can get her freedom. she's basically manipulating the situation like saying "you truly are kind"
That is what she is doing now, but if you look in chapter 10 she says herself "If I show him love and affection, I'm sure he'll start to gradually change". I just didn't like how her plan started off with cause it gave me a bad vibe. Whatever I'm up for being wronggg