Somebody link for chapter 30 please? (=・ω・=)

Thanks. I have a bad feeling about the ex. Does Alex still love him ?

He maybe a dick but he warned DG to not expect anything of him and to not fall in love because he will never be his BF.

Jiwon leaves with only a text. DG fantasizes about them being more. It looks like Jiwon has already decided he's going to ghost DG.

But I did read chapter 8

So mean but DG had his date

Do you know where I can read the raw chapters at?

Can somebody send the link for the raws?

Here is the Hye-sung Park baby based on their characters in the previous comic from the author...
- Dark haired version https://twitter.com/13_fargo/status/842445090110947328
- Blond version, featuring Dojin carrying the baby in a sling whilst Hye-sung spies
1) https://deskgram.org/p/1771454844557762404_7563850963
2) https://twitter.com/13_fargo/status/854255040629886976
toonkor https://toonkor.xyz/%EC%82%AC%EB%9E%91%EC%9D%80-%ED%99%98%EC%83%81
lezhin korea https://www.lezhin.com/ko/comic/illusion
Where are we in the novel at ?
around chap 24? :>