Where is my pookie Yuki I actually don't care about the rest of you bitches
Where is the rest of the chapters
You know I never thought about this before but can you imagine being the small guy getting licked? That would smell so bad bro like the tongue is that big and saliva is going everywhere... granted he's a god so I'm sure it's not smelly
Ngl... I know everyone likes him but I don't care about silver hair guy
I liked him at first but now he's just moping, I hope he steps up.
Hahaha I never thought I'd see someone say “I hope he steps up” talking about someone raping someone.
I meant in terms of speaking out his thoughts, you rlly jumped to the worst case scenario lol
Well I guess he wants free will
It was sooo obvious he knew
I know it's not gonna happen but I want Yuki to just find a new man and end up with him and to be happy
Okay so I'm not guessing a happy ending
Where is my pookie Yuki I actually don't care about the rest of you bitches