I mean idk if he tried to ki** himself or was just tired, but it doesn't make too much sense. 1. Drowning is one of the most suffocating way to go
2. If it was mix of tiredness and drunkness I won't believe he wouldn't get at least a little bit of shock and wake up when going into cold water.
Also it's hard to believe that the person who tires to help people so much would go to work in that state and risk hurting his patients.
There's no way my heart will survive if I'll get cliffhangered in the middle of the battle and I'm almost sure it'll last longer than one chapter, so... See you in few weeks
I do agree that this fight looks rushed, but it might be done like this on purpose. To end the "war" chapter, but also to show, that the fights which earlier were taken so seriously now can be executed the very same day. Because they're not the main focus point anymore, and also because Jiwoo grew mentally and physically. Wouldn't be too shocked to see more calm site of Jiwoo too keep up with Kayden reputation.
I can't handle the art style change. No matter what everyone says, the art pushed life into this story. Some of you make a point that we see more emotions on the mc face now, but for me it's not it. Now I feel like he's just arrogant (fight me on it, idc), he was a king for goodness sake. Kings were trained not to show emotions so it made much more sense.
Well anyway, I think I'm gonna start reading a novel now, so I can still enjoy the story without getting distracted by the art. Be safe guys!
I'm so sorry for the neighbors... I'm fangirling harder then ever for this guy. He's like a puppy!
Manhwa where few people are getting transmigrated, not just one. And other than the one with smut trio friends with different kinks, preferably not too smutty.
It's the first time I see more than three potential ml and oh my oh my, one of them is even female... Cannot she just have a harem?
Please, let me see at least one breakie break~ the problems are still appearing and we have no time to enjoy their relationship ;_; I need some peace
We waited so many chapters for kayden power to be recovered and he just did that in few chapters so the plot can continue?
Ngnl seems rushed af, the speed of webtoon completely changed, the length of chapters are different as well. I know actions and consequences, blah blah blah, but I kinda miss this peaceful pacing of the webtoon.
Villlans are just annoying now (I don't really differentiate them any longer), there's no plot continuation with his friends (and that was making this webtoon great for me).
My prediction is that this will be like big ass fight, maybe we will get to see some people join to help them idk. But it definitely smells like the end of the season (god I hope it's the end of season and not the end of webtoon)
If not, then authors might have a problem with latter plot