I am reformed March 8, 2025 5:02 pm

I just want them all to be happy (I am very weak minded)

    TSUKKISAV March 10, 2025 5:00 pm

    No litch like I just want all the children in the lab to be freed those poor babies

    banannogram March 19, 2025 1:00 am

    weak minded? they're all just traumatized they're not even the issue smh. need all the babs to come together otherwise I'll be left balling and throwing tantrums till the day I'm reincarnated into the novel so I can change some shit around. If this doesn't get that 'perfect' ending may my fist do the talking istg

I am reformed January 26, 2025 2:09 pm

I have never cried so much. I don't even have words for how good this was

I am reformed January 8, 2025 2:17 pm

I am so tired of seeing shushu suffer. I cannot believe she was trying to talk civily to someone who was slapping her like crazy ☠☠. One day I need to see 2 female characters have a full on physical altercation without the interuption of the ml

I am reformed November 17, 2024 7:12 am

Some people need to die for the good of the community, her mum being one of them

I am reformed September 8, 2024 8:02 am

At this point, it's not enough for me to have shushu's happiness. I want edwin to be shot in the head

I am reformed August 28, 2024 7:29 am

I feel so bad for the fl's older sister like I just want her to be happy

    Shamwow September 28, 2024 4:15 pm

    I feel like ML main guard will end up with her. I can feel it in my bones.

    Czielle October 3, 2024 11:19 pm
    I feel like ML main guard will end up with her. I can feel it in my bones. Shamwow

    Yes! Its her happy ending

    Czielle October 3, 2024 11:20 pm
    I feel like ML main guard will end up with her. I can feel it in my bones. Shamwow

    Are you talking about the MC sister? Then yes! Its her happy ending the sister and the guard

I am reformed August 10, 2024 2:40 pm

Someone save my girl shushu bc wtf

I am reformed July 28, 2024 9:42 pm

Cba w this nonsense. Why are the brown ppl animals I might just kill myself.
Anybody have recs with poc where they aren't barbarians or *insert literally anyother racist sterotype*?

    Scarlet August 15, 2024 1:10 am


    I am reformed August 15, 2024 8:32 am

    All these authors are getting so cheeky with their 'representation' lmao like we get it, you have a BBC fetish and and unwarranted hate for roma people, no please wrap it up and go home

    Scarlet August 15, 2024 11:41 am

    Like js draw a dark skin Korean and go we don't need your bs of a South Asian rep

    IceBall August 16, 2024 7:06 am

    'South Asians' like where, Indonesia? Kurkhans look more like Egyptian to me - desert (continent mainland that borders with other countries. I know some big islands also have local deserts but you know, not like Sahara or Gobi), clothes, palm dates...
    Physical builds do depends on genetics, and genetics evolve through generations based on the regions they live in. Like generally, African people (who lives in Africa) has bigger bone structure and build compared to Asians. Same as Caucasians also generally bigger built than Asians. Mainly due to extreme weather and living conditions, they evolve to have bigger builds to withstand extreme hot or cold temperature. Asians generally have smaller bone structure, and lower bone density. Asian women even have higher risk of osteoporosis because of this. Sure petite kawaii Loli are hella cute but they might have hunched back when they get older.
    Same as skin colour, Caucasians have generally lighter skin because for generations they evolve to decrease melanin because they don't get much sunlight so no need for as many melanin, opposite of Africans who developed more melanin therefore darker skin to cope with abundant sunlight. Asians have in between skin (brown-yellow) as they get sunlight but also not as extreme as Africa (probably due to rainforest and cloud coverings), not as much uv gets to skin. This is in general, as each continent is further narrowed to each country region. Each country even has different region weather and ethnics.
    'manly kurkhan women' is manly in your eyes, but not to other people more used to their build. Did u know society beauty standards evolve with time period and region? Women with mustache used to be the peak bitch in turkey some long time ago. Or people with eagle nose are preferred because their royal family has that feature. Or men preferring curvy thicker bootilicious women during harder times after world wars. Well right now 'society' is saying big eyes, fair skin, thin dolls, photoshopped figures are it. More actual real people should be shown in medias without plastic surgery, magic-like makeups, camera filters, post-editing... To slowly evolve to the next beauty standard.
    As for bbc, idk why they have long schlongs. What did they evolve that for?? What were their ancestors trying to fuck?

    Scarlet August 16, 2024 9:22 am
    'South Asians' like where, Indonesia? Kurkhans look more like Egyptian to me - desert (continent mainland that borders with other countries. I know some big islands also have local deserts but you know, not lik... IceBall

    I ain't reading allat

    I am reformed August 16, 2024 3:02 pm
    'South Asians' like where, Indonesia? Kurkhans look more like Egyptian to me - desert (continent mainland that borders with other countries. I know some big islands also have local deserts but you know, not lik... IceBall

    'Petite kawaii loli'

    Although it makes sense for the kurkhan women to be muscular bc they're all warriors, it's still weird asf that they have 'animalistic' traits.
    And their whole culture is some weird orientalism but hey it's porn so what can we expect

    IceBall August 17, 2024 12:47 am
    'Petite kawaii loli' Although it makes sense for the kurkhan women to be muscular bc they're all warriors, it's still weird asf that they have 'animalistic' traits.And their whole culture is some weird oriental... I am reformed

    Poc in [Remarried Empress], [I Will Be The Matriarch] are shown as just different regions with darker skin, no barbarian bs.
    All nobles in [My Mother Entered A Contract Marriage] has animalistic traits/ said to be descendants of animals. They're not poc.
    I read most manhwa with poc as authors just wanting variety of character visuals and world-building regions, none of that inclusivity or diversity representation bs.

    jamie August 20, 2024 6:24 am
    'South Asians' like where, Indonesia? Kurkhans look more like Egyptian to me - desert (continent mainland that borders with other countries. I know some big islands also have local deserts but you know, not lik... IceBall

    The reason asians have lower bone density is because of low vitamin D levels. Asians historically have lived in cold climates near water with a lot of fish, this is why unlike white people they never got the lighter skin mutation because they got their vitamin D from fish. Now that the Asian diet is more modern, beauty standards are harsher, with less time in the sun/outdoors, Asians aren't getting enough vitamin D. This is why asians especially east Asians eye sight is worsening and Japanese women are becoming bow legged, not really a genetic thing, they actually have better spatial awareness on average.

    jamie August 20, 2024 6:35 am
    'South Asians' like where, Indonesia? Kurkhans look more like Egyptian to me - desert (continent mainland that borders with other countries. I know some big islands also have local deserts but you know, not lik... IceBall

    And also if you're curious as to why africans have larger penises its literally just because Africans have reached the peak of evolution physically, they're the oldest ethnicity of human so essentially the body had enough time to fine tune everything. Such as higher estrogen levels and storing fat in ideal places like the legs and hips/butt for women and larger testosterone which might lead to larger pee pee size for men. Its less likely African women were going after men with big schlongs but that African men with higher testosterone survived the harsher environment in Africa.

    I am reformed August 22, 2024 1:52 pm
    And also if you're curious as to why africans have larger penises its literally just because Africans have reached the peak of evolution physically, they're the oldest ethnicity of human so essentially the body... jamie


I am reformed July 19, 2024 9:49 pm

Why can we not have a SINGLE manwha where everyone doesn't treat the ml like absolute shit. Why is every character literally out for her life?? No one gaf abt her wellbeing?? Tf do you mean that girl spread rumors about you just to steal your man and you LET HER?? AND YOU EVEN WENT TO THE FUGLY BITCH'S ENGAGEMENT PARTY??
And then the annoying ass ml?? Genuinely wish that stabbing attack succeded and he fucking died. I hope he gets shot in the face.

I am reformed June 20, 2024 7:00 am

Someone set this guys pp on fire pls

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