Fufu-San created a topic of Backlight

Everyone in this family is utterly messed up...that woman in the name of a mother is just horrible...she brought Seo in only for him to become a punching bag for Jaewon and to carry on her modelling legacy and Seo in just had to put up with everything otherwise he has nowhere to go...this is so sad

Fufu-San created a topic of Unfair Love Affair

Ummmmm it so cuuuuuuttttteeeeeee

Fufu-San created a topic of A Man Who Gives It All

How convenient right Mr. Ex is so keen to get closer to Jihan now...

Fufu-San created a topic of Eighteen's Bed

We have to wait for another 15 days or something

The black hair guy is annoying as hell

Fufu-San created a topic of Kajou Mousou Shounen

Disgusting the ML blackmailed him, r*ped him instead of confessing his own feelings and waited for MC to figure out everything instead of having an actual conversation and then in next volume got insecure then emotionally tortured MC but never actually showed any genuine remorse and this pathetic MC S&M tendencies or whatever still he should have shown some hatred towards his assaulter but no he is all about he is mine, he is mine and the ML keeps smirking over MC's struggles utterly Disgusting I felt like throwing a stone to his face

Fufu-San created a topic of Salvation Spirit

All of them are piece of confused poop..I think the big brother likes Mr. Gangster too probably.

Fufu-San created a topic of The Shape Of Us

Apparently in the raws at the end all of them are in a happy ploy relationship

Fufu-San created a topic of Eighteen's Bed
Fufu-San created a topic of Into The Thrill

Its very disturbing...I'm out

Fufu-San created a topic of Prostate Capture Report

What the hell...this psycho doctor, why the uke need to suffer like that just because of some maniac

Fufu-San created a topic of Kiss Me If You Can
Fufu-San created a topic of Sunshine Shower

Chapter 24 ML is a total scumbag

Fufu-San created a topic of Revenge

Oh it's getting updated...mmm I am not complaining

Fufu-San created a topic of Driver's High
Fufu-San created a topic of Candy Man

Chapter 12 the brown hair shit is utterly disgusting my god