WE know who THAT FOREIGNER is....

Bilingual. My phone keyboard was switch to the French language, because I had to type an email in French for work. And I forgot to switch it back to English.
So yeah it autocorrect Osiris into Souris... Because it is stupid like that even if Osiris exist as well in French. Don't ask. Half of the time I want to right "the", correct to "thé" (tea) even when I have the English set up on.... My phone is more confused than I.

(Edited reply) Bilingual. My phone keyboard was switch to the French language, because I had to type an email in French for work. And I forgot to switch it back to English.
So yeah it autocorrect Osiris into Souris... Because it is stupid like that even if Osiris exist as well in French. Don't ask. Half of the time I want to write "the", it autocorrects to "thé" (tea) even when I have the English set up on.... My phone is more confused than I.
(Sorry for the double reply. I am up since yesterday morning 9 am and I am dyslexic. It doesn't make a great combo for grammar)

I think they were talking about the stranger that arrived at Hermopolis before its destruction and have everybody drop dead by the next morning. There is only one god with that power and it is Osiris.
I bet he came to Hermopolis to destroy the archives and change the record of Seth achievements. To hide which god he used to be before appointing him God of War and take control of the narrative around him.
I also bet that is what started the war with RĂą and that is how he learned about the mirror he later tried to use on Seth to make him fall in love with him.
This guy has tried to rewrite history for his own greed.
As for Beard Guy, I doubt he is Jesus.
We are between 6000 to 4000 year too early for that (The prehistoric Egyptian culture arise around 6000BC and the first dynasty that started the Ancient Egypt era began at 3100BC with the unification of Upper and Lower Egyptâs by the first Pharaoh Menes. Ennead is happening in between that period). And it isnât a Greek god either since Greek mythology started to propagate from the Mycenaean around 1800 BC.
Ancient Greece didnât even exist yet since it began at 1200 Bc after the fall of Mycenaen civilization.
Before that it was the Aegean civilization (3000 BC to 1400 BC) and before that it was the Neolithic era that started around 6000BC. And at that time proto Greek civilization were worshipping a deity called the Goddess Mother or deity related to farming. The Greek patheon of gods we know today only started to exist/be worshipped around 1800BC. So Beard Guy is definitely not a Greek god.
He is more of a Mesopotamian god like a Canaanite god that existed and were worshipped around the same time as the Egyptians god.
I personally believe he is Yahweh. Who was a warrior god, worshiped by the Mesopotamians around that period, especially the Canaanite.
Scholars believe he was born from the merging of several gods at that time. Or that he was a god among others within the Mesopotamian pantheon, whose identity aligned with some others gods, so his worshippers slowly merge them together as time passed until only one remained. He was mainly worship by nomadic tribes. And one in particular that became the Hebrew tribe who adopted a monotheistic religion about a thousand year later (around the time the first Egyptian dynasty arise)
So if I am right, the fact that Beard Guy says he doesnât remember the gods before him would make sense. There wasnât any gods before him because he is all of them.

The worst part is when I am on my computer. No matter which language I am on, everything is always underlined in red. Because the computer have both linguistic dictionary set up and very often doesnât know which language I am using. I have to manually indicate it every time. But it still want from time to time switch back to the other language.
Make it really hard to spot spelling error. Not to mention me accidentally switch words from one language to the other because they sound the same. Lol.
I'm crying