MinAuLune's experience ( All 0 )

MinAuLune's answer ( All 45 )

If I'm being brutally honest it's virtue signaling. Maybe some are coming from a good place but a lot of it does feel like they want cookie points for calling things out. It really does feel like some people just want something to attack and then be like "Look, see I'm a good person!" Unfortunately it just seems to be the trend now and people hav......   3 reply
10 11,2023
I just want to give my 2 cents, and no I'm not defending anyone. I think it's important to remember that a lot of action/Shonen manhwa & manga typically have very poorly written female characters. Sometimes they exist solely for the protagonist to have a crush on and aren't fleshed out as actual characters. And the romance between them isn't very f......   2 reply
08 11,2023
about question
It was fun but also tough as we lost my grandma not too long ago and the pain is still very fresh for my mom. She originally didn't want to put her on the altar but I think it helped her grieve in a healthier way. Other than that the food was good and it was fun to celebrate it differently than we usually do. For context my family is Central Americ......   reply
03 11,2023
about question
It's very fun and has the opportunity to be very creative and intersting. It's fun to see how different authors play around with the rules. Honestly a very refreshing type of trope/AU.   reply
03 11,2023
Kidney stones, some of the worst pain I've ever experienced. I ended up on the floor a few times. Also being high on pain meds (this is related to the kidney stones). Left me loopy and super nauseous and was very much not fun. Almost made me want the pain back instead.   reply
28 10,2023

MinAuLune's question ( All 2 )

This is kinda cringe I know but I thought I'd give it a shot. Do any of y'all have tips for making new friends as someone in their 20s?

I'm a remote worker so I don't really need to leave my house anymore or interact with people. I've decided to start working for a few hours outside of my house and just hoping I have good luck.

But other than that does anyone have any tips? This could be for in person or online. Never really had online friends either as I usually just lurk and don't say anything (but I'm slowly trying to change that). Like I have discord but I only talk to 3 people who I know irl and I don't understand how people find servers to join.
29 09,2023
about question
As someone who has worked some terrible food service and retail jobs I'm curious to see if any of y'all have some interesting stories to tell from your own experience in these jobs.

I'll go first, when I used to work as a manager at a Domino's I typically worked the closing shifts. This story took place on a Saturday when we closed at 1am. When it gets really late typically the only people in the store are me and 2 delivery drivers and the store I worked at was at a more sketchy part of town.

A guy walks in around midnight, face bloody and shirt stained with blood. He asks if we gave any ice, and after he said that I noticed it looked like he had some teeth knocked out. Of course this being Domino's we didn't have any ice and I was a little scared because this guy looked like he'd been jumped and I was alone in the store at the time (drivers were doing deliveries).

I told him we had no ice and I offered to call him an ambulance but he declined and he just walked out. And I was left kinda stunned but at least he didn't get blood on my floor. That's about it, I have a bunch more stories but I'm more curious about y'alls.
29 08,2023

People are doing

did read manga

Maybe I've been desensitised but I've seen worse tbh although I can't deny it's also really bad but the not the worse out there

3 hours
did read manga

I was sexually abused when I was 7. I'm twisted and I like to imagine myself as the Shota. I find some comfort in it.

5 hours
did masturbated to yaoi


15 hours