rainydays want to do ( All 1 )

read 1000 manga or more

rainydays's experience ( All 0 )

rainydays's answer ( All 55 )

about question
https://www.mangago.me/read-manga/majo_to_neko/ my absolute favorite bl manga ever. read it. you will not regret.   4 reply
27 05,2024
about question
there were aspects of who’s your daddy? that I enjoyed but sorry, maetel was the definition of human trash and not enough people were shitting on him when the manhwa was still ongoing.   1 reply
19 05,2024
about dating
18 05,2024
he’s so majestic   3 reply
18 05,2024
about question
this is the reason i dropped dear door lmao, but at the end of the day, it’s what gives them the most views and revenue so i don’t really think it’ll stop any time soon.   reply
13 05,2024
novel-wise, probably native son and mysterious skin. native son was a great book but has some pretty dark themes to it, and mysterious skin was deeply upsetting as i went into it blind and it discussed a topic i am very sensitive to (csa). manga-wise, probably feeding lamb by nishin masumi or metamorphosis, for obvious reasons.   1 reply
10 05,2024

rainydays's question ( All 0 )