this is the reason i dropped dear door lmao, but at the end of the day, it’s what gives them the most views and revenue so i don’t really think it’ll stop any time soon.
the middle eastern oil magnate stereotype is fucking killing me
yall i am kind of dense is ch10 insinuating that the blonde coworker gave some guy rikos number and stuff and now the guy that the blonde rejected is harassing riko thinking that it’s the other woman?
novel-wise, probably native son and mysterious skin. native son was a great book but has some pretty dark themes to it, and mysterious skin was deeply upsetting as i went into it blind and it discussed a topic i am very sensitive to (csa).
manga-wise, probably feeding lamb by nishin masumi or metamorphosis, for obvious reasons.
not to say that it doesn’t happen but i think majority of readers have generally moved past this line of thinking
kanda lowkey gay for being so obsessed with sayu and not wanting her to be in a happy relationship with a man
I’m taking apush, apeng and ap precalc it’s actually so over for me. thank god no ap compsci or ap psych this year tho cause i wouldn’t be able to get through the month
if thinking fantastically, probably. if thinking literally in terms of real science, probably not as meiosis requires two different parents and im not sure cell replication could work if its just 2 sets of the same genes. if it somehow did, the egg would likely not be viable anyway.
author trying to gaslight their readers to the max level:
window to window, i don’t know why i liked this so much on first read when now, i can barely get past the first few chapters
i shed tears out of frustration while reading this, rui is the epitome of ‘what do you even see in that man’ but at least he got a happy ending
the only way for you to remedy this is to send 160 love letters back
practice your drawing skills.
take a nap.
read a real book.
watch a new movie.
do some stretching.
try knitting.
organize your room.
write a story.