Zaerine followed a list
Zaerine followed a list
Zaerine created a topic of Jinx

I know exactly how Doc Dan is feeling watching his grandma fade away. The last thing he needs is the human personification of a porta potty in summer barrelling back into his life.

Zaerine created a topic of Don't Mess With the Puppy!

Tiny dogs seem to have the belief they could fight God himself and win so this definitely tracks.

Zaerine created a topic of Princess Shuden

I wonder if she could make that mace a massive two handed one to straight up crush people

Zaerine created a topic of Our Sunny Days

This just makes me happy in a gentle and relaxed kind of way. It doesn't feel overly optimistic in a non realistic sense like some of the more wholesome type content can be. Just the perfect amount of sweetness.

Zaerine created a topic of Jinx

Until he's a snivelling little snot bubbling mess with no friends or fancy rich lifestyle I don't think I'll be satisfied .

Zaerine created a topic of Jinx

Haha, suffer you big bitch.

At this point just let her go live with the monsters she'll probably be safer and happier

Zaerine created a topic of Wet Sand

Good lord Ian is insanely hot, him and TJ work so well together it feels natural but I feel bad for Jo. He should just run and go lead a normal life away from criminals no matter how sexy they are.

Zaerine created a topic of Jinx

This one hurt like hell as someone who was raised by my grandparents and stayed with my grandma as she slowly wasted away from cancer.

The last thing he needs is king prick being the tantrum throwing toddler he is

I kinda hope the new hot intimidating looking guy is a subversion and he's actually a good person that doesn't end up causing Dan more harm but I doubt it

Zaerine created a topic of When the Magpie Comes

I don't want him to have to choose and I want the love interests to get with each other too

Zaerine created a topic of Jinx

I swear Dan needs a friend who knows about everything to get him the hell out of there cos at this point I doubt he'll ever do it of his own volition he's too weak

Zaerine created a topic of Mujikaku Love Factor

How is that guys name pronounced I'd like to read it again without my brain automatically reading the name wrong.