Jing like photo (from fingering )
Jing created a topic of Kiss Me If You Can

Novel readers out there who have read the side stories, please tell me whether Chase still is an actor or not after he got his second kid. I've read the whole novel but couldn't find any side stories. I'm dying to know what happened in those side stories please, enlighten me and give me the link if you have one...

Jing created a topic of Drugless Sex 2

I've read this since years ago and every time I come back here, I feel like crying. They're so soulmates. 10000/10.

Jing asked a question

Slice of life yaoi recommendations please... (I'm not searching for Shounen AI)
Or really angsty ones. Something like Spinach Bouquet.

Jing created a topic of Reverse Thinking

I fucking hate how this turns into some comedy genre here and there. At least, have a consistent tone just like in the novel because it feels even more disgusting to see that fucker acting so innocent with all those funny faces after raping and beating up a guy. The downplaying of rape and abuse is so bad.

Jing created a topic of Heat Protectant

My only problem is where's the omega's slick?? Praying for him to fuck that alpha with slick leaking from his ass-
Artist just made him an omega without any characteristic of omega like I want to see a real omega topping an alpha.

Jing created a topic of Between Fate And Fortune

The victim mentality of MC pisses me off a lot. What do you mean seok(Ml)'s mother just passed away and MC was crying because Ml's mother had to see her son's face full of scars because of him? ML was grieving at that time and yet MC tried to victimize himself as always.
Aside from the frustration I felt because of MC, this story is so good and realistic. This author/artist never disappoints me.
But to be honest, I don't want to read about MC's brother at all. He disgusts me a lot for valid reasons.

Jing created a topic of Spinach Bouquet

This feels like two people I cherish a lot are moving away. Pls, there should be endless side stories.

Jing like photo (from HEYEHE)
Jing created a topic of Homerun Hearts

I've had friends who acted this way whenever they were in relationships. It's so upsetting because your value as a friend is belittled and years worth of friendship and memories become nothing as soon as they got into relationships.

Jing created a topic of Reverse Thinking

To be honest, I rarely feel this disgusted but this is way beyond disgusting. I read the novel out of curiosity and I couldn't agree with the saying "curiosity kills the cat" more. No one deserves this kind of shit to happen to them, even if they've done some fuck ass shit in the past.

TW// rape and suicide
The fact that MC was gangraped by a bunch of disgusting men multiple times even though he didn't do anything to them- (Ml and another person were gang raped because of MC but other men? He didn't do anything to them.)
This just boils my blood because if we're going to resolve rape with another rape, how about the latter rapists? It's an endless circle. And, that one man that raped MC did that because MC was offended by his sexual harassment statements and beat his ass. How about him? Where's his karma? And how about other disgusting rapists that raped MC for no apparent reason apart from just willingly raping him to satisfy their disgusting sexual fantasies?

MC should just die at this point. Death is better than enduring all those things. MC suffers from Stockholm syndrome, schizophrenia(my opinion), and PTSD after he was hospitalised due to brutally raped and beaten. He even tried to commit suicide numerous times... This is just so depressing and inhumane.

This author and artist are both sick in the head. It seems like they hate men so badly that they create these torture porn stories of masculine men getting raped and tortured to the point death seems like the only way to escape that hell. (Not to be a man-apologist but this is just weird and creepy) what a waste of good art and character designs-

Jing asked a question

Is there any mlm manhwas about idols? Preferably, both guys are the same size with no unbelievable size difference.