Novel readers out there who have read the side stories, please tell me whether Chase still is an actor or not after he got his second kid. I've read the whole novel but couldn't find any side stories. I'm dying to know what happened in those side stories please, enlighten me and give me the link if you have one...

spoiler side stories kmiyc
the side stories right now of kmifc are only really focused on the events right after the main story, so they don't show how josh and his family progress. i think chase's still an actor, as in the side stories of kiss me liar you can see josh notifying yeonwoo that they can't meet up because of security got tighter (because of chase's status).
what exactly happens in those side stories?
in the beginning, we get josh's backstory of how he presented as an omega in his teen days. then we get back to the present where josh and chase have lots of cute interactions. josh also finally tells his family and his bodyguard group that he's getting married to chase. it was honestly hilarious
we also get to see how chase wants to strengthen his bond with pete, and it's so adorable
but the side stories also have dark parts. we see a lot of chase struggling with his health because he overdosed and used so many drugs because he didn't care about his life and wanted to end it before he met josh. josh and chase also needed to get seperated, as josh's (or any omega) pheromone would make chase's health too unstable
but the side stories end with an happy ending where pete tells his dads that he already knew that chase was his dad (cuz they have the same hair colour, adorable)! and josh tells chase that they should have a second child on their honeymoon
i haven't mentioned everything because i don't remember everything but that's the gist, i think. be sure to ask if you want more details!

Beware. It's a horrid translation but you get used to it. As for the sides I read them on wattpad but I believe they have been deleted.

I fucking hate how this turns into some comedy genre here and there. At least, have a consistent tone just like in the novel because it feels even more disgusting to see that fucker acting so innocent with all those funny faces after raping and beating up a guy. The downplaying of rape and abuse is so bad.

this spoiler
the uke does tell him after he get assaulted by those men the first time , the seme apologize to him for getting those men to Grape him , he the uke then think that he only apologizing for the assult not for the first tine he raped him , the seme doesn't feel sorry or apologetic for what he doing to the uke.
and I think he enjoy seeing him beinf tortured that the whole point , he hates the uke.
as for his changing attitude I think it might be the aurthor way to imply that he not mentally stable , like he is psychopath

The victim mentality of MC pisses me off a lot. What do you mean seok(Ml)'s mother just passed away and MC was crying because Ml's mother had to see her son's face full of scars because of him? ML was grieving at that time and yet MC tried to victimize himself as always.
Aside from the frustration I felt because of MC, this story is so good and realistic. This author/artist never disappoints me.
But to be honest, I don't want to read about MC's brother at all. He disgusts me a lot for valid reasons.

Maybe it wouldn’t be that bad if he wasn’t always feeling sorry for himself. He’s ALWAYS sad or in turmoil to the point when he’s not battling something and someone else is, he’s STILL the victim. The MC needs to step outside of himself so he can recognize what grief looks like on someone other than himself. It’s frustrating.
I love this. Well, the characters are assholes but I still love it. This is so well-written and I love how realistic the characters are. They're far from being flawless but that's what makes the story intriguing. And, the side stories really delve into their personalities. MC is the type to give in easily to the people he loves ever since he was a kid. I believe their sex scenes seem rough, rapey and uncomfortable because that's how ML is. His fantasies involve having rough sex with ML, and he seems to focus solely on his own pleasure rather than his partner's. This is truly a shitty attitude, but it makes so much sense that a guy who has an inferiority complex might want to act dominant in bed. (Many such cases)
And, I get ML so much, clinging onto your first love from high school who didn't even remember you for years, that's something I do.
Although his love for ML is consuming MC, drifting him away from his parents and friends, he seems to have no regrets about that. In real life as well, a lot of people are like that, voluntarily sinking themselves into relationships with no future.
The artist successfully captured this. Even after my second read, I still love it despite its problematic aspects. That's just life.
I hope the artist will recover soon and will be able to produce more well-written stories. It's so heartbreaking to hear news like this.