Am I wrong or is god his imagination? After what he went through, losing his family, being raped and feeling guilty about being a soldier, he was so mentally broken that he became schizophrenic and due to the trauma from being raped, he had come to believe that engaging in sexual activities with his imaginary god is how he's fulfilling his duties as a servant of god and a follower. I feel like he's trying to justify what he went through unconsciously... More like a copism. Or maybe I'm just reading it too much from a smutty short story.
I'm so tired to re-read this again so, can someone tell me what did his father do to Ml or MC? I've read this 4 years ago and I don't remember shit anymore.
The cover deceived me. I thought this was a story with beastility or something, so I avoided it with all my might. I didn't even read the story description lmao. Oh, was I wrong... This is so interesting. Might be one of the most unique stories ever.
Am I wrong or is god his imagination? After what he went through, losing his family, being raped and feeling guilty about being a soldier, he was so mentally broken that he became schizophrenic and due to the trauma from being raped, he had come to believe that engaging in sexual activities with his imaginary god is how he's fulfilling his duties as a servant of god and a follower. I feel like he's trying to justify what he went through unconsciously... More like a copism. Or maybe I'm just reading it too much from a smutty short story.
He literally was flying...
Ok, so it's a demon. I thought of this because of the last panel.