We got Byul, we got soyi, Yoobin finally debuts, I can't wait to see dogyeom's baby next they all need a diva showdown in that school LOL
Also I wanna know what happened to Dojin's nephew (older brother's son), it'd be super fun if everyone is in this manhwa tho. Cousins ASSEMBLE !!!
I don't remember the whole plot in this one BUT since it's said that Siwoo's family went bankrupt, could it be around the time when they were in kindergarten (?) ???
In Love is an illusion the queen series his name was dropped and Byul's parents allegedly thought him and siwoo were in a "relationship" because they were so close, but then out of nowhere byul came home with a different friend. Byul said "dunno" when they asked where's siwoo so it's possibly that he stopped coming to school (and even if it's not due to bankruptcy, he probably stops coming to school or moved away because of family issues). Pretty sure they never see each other again until this series is up.
I can't wait to see Siwoo's backstory getting unfolded. Not a drop of a lore about this guy bro we only get crumbs
I thought it's COMMON SENSE to not gossip about your friend's ex/past relationships when their new lover is around ??? IN HIS HOUSE AT THAT ??????? WOW !!!!!!
In previous chapter I told woojoo to run, but maybe I'll be guarding their house instead
That malnourished roman vampire and twinktard zombie looking NPCs shouldn't have stayed involved with Hel like that. Y'all raised hel and y'all wanna... Do him? Sounds like you need the electric chair. The fact that they're fighting like two highschool boys "competing" over the same girl crush is also very very very immature of them. And I hate that Arthur is letting them living their weird ass fantasy.
I like everything about this story tho !! But these two left some bad tastes in my mouth lol
That dude needed multiple SHOTS and still be fappin around in his bedroom,, you're not gonna walk woojoo
Haejo(?) looks like if Ivan and Till had a child he reminds me of Till so bad but I also see resemblance of Ivan it's so over for me
Like... What? First, he ended up doing it when woojoo was in heat. I can't even try to justify that because even if the situation was unexpected (woojoo turning omega), have this idiot got no self control ?? Then, he didn't want their parents to know (kinda justifiable but still what) ?? And then "doesn't mean we're in love" or some shit, so now you're fwb with woojoo ????? MR DUMBASS HELLO ???? Don't get me started with how he's always invading personal space with all that clingy stuff. The deleting chat with Haejo (?) was also an ick for me because ???? Oh suddenly you're aware of what terrible things others might do to woojoo but you're literally doing it on him YOURSELF ????? Fuck you ????
I think our twink incubus went out to power up himself or something in order to "seduce better" IDK but he did blame himself for the sudden ED
The plots are random as hell but I wouldn't say I didn't like it xP also redhead gorgeous as hell if those people ain't bagging him because "haha he can't get it up" they missing out fr
They're so golden retriever X black cat coded
Also I laughed at the "hm.. he didn't use any stock...." panel (among many others) for a good 15 minutes idk why I found it funny as hell
They handle the pregnancy/abortion talk pretty well imo. I mean I understand the initial clash because one wants to keep but the other wants to abort, but I figured it would be 10 more chapters of miscommunication so I was surprised ML took it well and take the effort to do research and even listen to the experienced ones (jogasaki and rize).
I understand itsuki's concerns very well because it can be a financial struggle to start a family when you're also supporting your partner in his studies. Idk if teachers in Japan are underpaid but working in Japan is hell so I get where he's coming from; pretty sure itsuki was trying to avoid MC being an unintentional "absent dad" because of work (??? Idk if I worded this correctly)
Anyways, the author put a lot of effort in the world settings. Wdym you have support systems and suppressants/medications other than pills and syringes (the suppressant patch & alpha repellent spray) ? Wdym even Alphas suffer from the irritating double standards and society's hypocrisy, when in majority of omegaverse society is only negatively affecting the omega? Wdym omega stalkers and alpha victims aren't taken seriously? President of America is an omega ??? XD
I love the story overall, but the last 2-3 chapters seem rushed I think? I want to know how Itsuki reconciled with his estranged parents. Wdym we just get a "his parents were betas and they estranged him after family disputes" and suddenly they appeared on their wedding day? I'd like to know more about the three friends too.
Btw I low-key love jogasaki. Jogasaki the man that you are...
I want what they have fr this is so cozy and warm to read. They're giving the vibes of drinking hot choco in winter LOL
Also, I love Alec so much!! He's so adorable !! I WANT TO PET HIM SO BAD UGHHHHHHHHHHH
Interesting, I would say. Maybe it's his karma for SA-ing MC, although it still feels weird as hell. Also, shame on that CEO guy, I had hopes for him.
I low-key liked the idea of estrus aphrodisiac though..... Sci-fi is such an interesting world to live in lmao
Throwing the age gap out the window, I like how they both are very considerate of each other (I don't like it when both are being hasty and making impulsive decisions though. Like "dissolving" their "bond" BOI hold your horses), and they even plan their relationship! It's so healthy. But I'm kinda tired with this student x teacher (or student x whatever job the adult has) trope in manga ngl.....
That aside, can anyone suggest manga/manhwa where the main couple are like this (both are adults please...)? I need a fresh air after reading Jinx LMFAOOO
Like pilsang is getting beaten to near death while the other two have fun fucking each other like alpha and omega in heat LOL
Also I find it cute how chibi jihwan is looking at Doha during their call. It's as if they're talking face to face