Mishima, a student at a school in the countryside, is bullied by his classmates. The reason is becau...
- Author: Nagai Saburou
- Genres: School Life / Yaoi / Psychological / Drama
Baek Dohu’s a university student who writes BL novels on the side. And his preferred type of t...
- Author: Hodot
- Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Mature / Smut
Baek Dohu’s a university student who writes BL novels on the side. And his preferred type of t...
- Author: Hodot
- Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Mature / Smut
Ongoing but promising
Webtoonization of a web novel of the same name! "Adar" the escaped slave. Arriving at the ...
- Author: Dips, Flying Fish
- Genres: Yaoi / Romance / Smut / Webtoons
In the novel, she became a villainess who died in the hands of her husband. To be precise, as a supp...
- Author: nyangiwa hyangshinlo , kitty and spices,siru
- Genres: Shoujo / Historical / Romance / Drama / Fantasy / webtoons
Eunjae’s been losing sleep from some decidedly disturbing dreams: some kind of otherworldly be...
- Author: Shin
- Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Comedy / Drama / Fantasy / Romance / Smut / Supernatural
I was suddenly diagnosed as an Omega. I didn't think it was serious, probably because I was rea...
- Author: Soorak
- Genres: Webtoons / Comedy / Yaoi
It was a summer when even breathing was hard due to the heat. The air conditioner in An Kyungsoo...
- Author: Soorak
- Genres: Comedy / Yaoi / Webtoons