tetsurolls want to do ( All 2 )

writing a book confess to your crush

tetsurolls's experience ( All 1 )

about your pets
tetsurolls 08 04,2018
I've had a total of 30 cats since 2010 and now I have 4. We adopted several ( they were young af like maybe 2 days old for the youngest and the oldest we got was 1 month old for the cats we took care of until they died). The 4 we have now includes: Ming, the one-eyed 5 yr old; Lai-Lai, the green-eyed fab crook-tail; Lucky, the cross-eyed un-neutere......   reply
08 04,2018

tetsurolls's answer ( All 30 )

about question
26. I'm working through my thesis (been in college for more than 8 years because of adhd) and working at the same time. it's hard but having a stable job also has a lot of factors. i consider mine stable because I can do it with my eyes closed and i get enough breaks to avoid burnouts. my priorities change every year but i think i consider now as......   reply
12 09,2024
"is this even realistic, like if ever i do get random dick, can i do it in this position? does that even feel good lmao i feel bad for their backs."   reply
17 05,2021
sanago 3d (he's hilarious af), imamu room (i love her bentos), bore.d (love the rpg-style editing), yummyboy and one meal a day -i usually prefer east asian content over western -their videos are aesthetic?? except bore.d, the rest are pretty calming vids -except for sanago, the rest are food channels hshshss   1 reply
17 05,2021
sometimes i wish i was jared, 19   reply
29 01,2021
crammed 4 major papers (around 10-15% ea) in 2 days and got a final grade of 94. It's a major I'm taking outside of my course so I was kinda scared I'd flunk (even tho I'm taking it for fun). Only slept a total of 3 hrs that time and I ended up sleeping for half a day after submitting lmao   reply
27 01,2021

tetsurolls's question ( All 8 )

Yorushika is a Japanese rock duo composed of n-buna (vocaloid pd) and suis.

I really, REALLY love Yorushika. The first song I heard from them was "Say It" (Itte). that time I was suffering from depression and their song felt like someone was listening to me.

I really love their songs mainly because of the lyrics, which are really relatable. a prime example would be Hitchcock ("why do I even have to worry about schooling if all I want to do is live my life freely" kinda thing). i tend to focus on the message of the songs I listen to.

I'm an army, and bts has great songs about society, youth and they're really introspective. "Are you living your life?" Or "is your life the way you wanted it to be?" or "how do you use your soul to survive this society". Yorushika is the same, that's why I got hooked when I began compiling the translations. Some of their songs reflect on the way you treat people in your life, the things you gave up to be "comfortable", dealing with nostalgia and never getting moments back like they used to be, and even letting go.

they tend to use a lot of wordplay (if you're knowledgeable on kanji, then you'll have fun deciphering some of their lyrics). Kudos to the translators who put notes on the lyrics tbh. They're also similar in a way that both groups don't use pronouns in their songs (2016- present bts).

Their style is piano rock, mainly upbeat songs but they also have piano solo interludes in their album.

They're really secretive tho they've never revealed their faces (unlike some former vocaloid pds who also began doing solos) n-buna never showed his face. if i remember correctly tho n-buna does youtube lives where he plays the guitar and sings (he's really fuckin talented) but the video is just a still picture. they've never held a concert before

They also did a song in A Whisker Away! haven't watched the movie yet but I also loved the song bc it's chill (they released it last april)

I really think they're severely underrated, even with the movie promotions, so I'm trying to spread word that "hey! we actually have a decent band here who has god tier lyrics and melody so please support them and listen to their music!"

Here are some of my fave MVs from them (and don't forget to turn on captions/ look for the translations to feel their emotions trust me you won't regret Yorushika!)

Hitchcock MV: https://youtu.be/t7MBzMP4OzY

Say It MV:

Ghost in a Flower MV (A Whisker Away):

Just a Sunny Day for You MV:

Thoughtcrime MV:

Rain with Cappuccino MV:

Prostitution MV:

That's Why I Gave Up on Music MV:

A Hole Opened Up in My Heart MV:

Blooming in that Summer (unofficial lyric video)
04 07,2020
tetsurolls 01 07,2020
any song that's currently stuck in your head??

can't stop singing the song 'stylish tomato' for some reason and it's already been 3 weeks since it popped up in my head

01 07,2020
tetsurolls 29 06,2020
Have you discovered a new kink while the world is in shambles?

You've probably spent a god-awful amount of time "exploring" yourself (not that we have anything better to do unless you have online classes).

read one manhwa during lockdown and realized i have an exhibitionism kink.
29 06,2020
Ever did/buy something as an adult that you've always wanted to have/do as a kid? How did it feel when you finally did it?

When I was younger, I couldn't buy stuff I needed/wanted because we were poor and very conservative. My dad tho had a bad spending habit and was an impulse buyer. I wasn't allowed to travel, I had a strict curfew and no male friends allowed

When he left us I kinda had freedom to move around. I realized, "hey I actually have money saved up and I've always wanted this", so I bought a new phone (after 5 years), a bts album, skincare products and even a whole frappe just for myself. And no one was to tell me "No". I went to museums almost every week, and my best friend right now is the nicest guy ever. I've never been happier
28 06,2020
What's something you did during quarantine that you've never done before? Do you think you could continue it after covid?

mine is baking, fixing a leaky pipe, writing a wholeass fanfic. probably gonna continue writing bc I find it relaxing.
28 06,2020

People are doing

did y'all just feel sad when

I think of when my cat will pass. What’s the point after that? Shes everything man

3 hours
want to do social media

Honestly if I could I’d make everyone delete it. We don’t need people influencing others to do bad things. Cons outweigh the pros.

3 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

“Then one day you find
Ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run
You missed the starting gun“

3 hours