Cherry_girl♡ May 16, 2021 8:13 am

Oh goooodd!!!! I hate the rich brat!! She's so obnoxious and doesnt take no for an answer because she's so used to getting everything she wants!!!

Cherry_girl♡ May 15, 2021 8:36 pm

He's like a different person when drunk!!! Lol

Cherry_girl♡ May 18, 2021 5:57 pm

Ch.7: blonde dude tells MC he can pay him.back through sex and ML steps in and takes the hotel card throws it on the floor and runs off with MC. He asks why she put up with him. She thanks him.
Ch.8: On her way home she sees her friend... looking all raggedy. Turns out that his girlfriend doesn't want to be with him now that hes broke. And that she loved his money not him. Because of a message MC sent him, he gets inspired to get up, leave his dingy apartment and return home. He says that she should be living in a better place and says that hell find her a better place not a shady, crime ridden place. She calls out his privilege saying people live like this you know and what's wrong with that? He says he understands but he doesnt want to leave her there and has an empty apartment ready for her.
Ch.9 the apartment is "normal" more like abnormally fancy! And close to the hospital (for her sick relative). The friend leaves saying he'll send her some money later. She unpacks and enters the bathroom. Once shes done she leaves and because shes all alone, she steps out naked drinking beer... but little did she know that ML was in the house. He finds her and ask if shes an exhibitionist.
Ch.10 he asks why shes in HIS apartment. She says shell leave, that she didnt know it was occupied. But he tells her to stay. He says he came her because he's been away for a long time, she assumes he means he'll leave again. He ask if shes scared with him, she says no, shes just uncomfortable. He laughs at her bluntness and feeds her (food!) They drink beer and he calls her fun. He flirts a bit. They stare each other down. Then she wakes up to a naked and sleeping ML.
Ch.11 MC is flustered. She then says "i know your awake.." He gets up and asks "did we have sex yesterday?" MC doesnt believe that that they did the deed but he insisted and offers to show the hickeys she left on his body (including his ). She says mosquitos did it. She goes to stop him from showing his and he says that he honestly likes what happened. But she doesnt want to stick with a one night stand that she doesn't even remember! He says he'll help her remember by doing it again right now because hes busy later (she screams that she doesnt want to be a part of his schedule lol). He says to just enjoy the moment, shes not a child, and its not forbidden. She smiles and accepts but on the condition that if she doesn't change her opinion (on starting a sexual relationship) they'll forget about yesterday and today. She gets nervous, then he respond with his own condition. The condition being that if shes changes her opinion she has to live in the apartment. She spr3ads his legs but struggles with his pants
Ch.12 they have sex! Now for some some mid sex thoughts: 1) wait this wasnt my plan!! 2) i shouldn't have accepted!!!
Ch.13 A month has past since they decided to together, she thought this relationship/contract wouldn't last long but it lasted more than she thought it would. (Montage of them getting closer lol) Today is her interview for a job, she drops her phone and a nice stranger gets it for her. Thats when she spots a girl being sexually assaulted across from her in the train. They both go to help, but the assaulter asks for evidence. Nice guys shows his phone with a pic of him assaulting her. They both leave the police office, thats when they both realize they late for somehting. She calls her interviewer only to realize he's her interviewer/employer

    guess May 8, 2021 2:19 am

    Can i have the raws? Thank you do much

    Cherry_girl♡ May 8, 2021 2:57 am
    Can i have the raws? Thank you do much guess

    Cherry_girl♡ May 8, 2021 5:05 am

    Ch.14 She returns home to tell ML the news and the story on how she got the job! They cuddle, he asks if shes done moving and if she is free tomorrow. Shes free so he tells her to leave it free so they can go on a date. They fo clothes shopping, shes overwhelmed by the cost of the clothes, he then buys them for her. They to eat, she asks "isnt this place kinda plain?" (They have a pile of burgers on their tray lol). He says he eats burgers when he's busy sometimes. She then talks about being a gene therapist and that she likes to read. She ask "apart from burgers what else do you like?" They go to an art gallery (meaning he links paintings). The artist of the painting her are looking at inroduces herself. And she knows ML!!! Uh oh!
    Ch.15 They talk to eachother, MC feels left out (we learn that she was in france but came back for an exhibition and she even says that she missed him!!!) ML grabs MCs arm asking where shes going (she felt uncountable and wanted to leave). The girl introduces herself (they studied together aka same school) and that shes never seen ML with a woman. She asks what their relationship is, mc is shocked and starts to wonder... "What is our relationship?" ML says "its not like that" the other girl looks happy. Turns out the painting they were looking at was called le ciel, and when asked my somone who that guy is. She responds le ciel (meaning the sky in french). In the cars things are sour. ML ask what she wants for dinner, she responds that shes not hungry. ML knows shes angry and apologizes, she says "its fine, its not something you should apologize for" and leaves. In the house, he's just showered and she isnt. She goes to change, thats when ML (half naked) comes and helps take of her clothes. He asks if she's still angry (they're making out rn). She stops the kiss and says "after ehat happened today... i cant continue with this."
    Ch.16 she's brought back from thinking about ML by her employer bring her coffee. He asks if she has time for a welcome party. She awkwardly accepts. 2nd ML (employer) saves her from having another drink a coworker handed her. He then asks if shes ok cuz she looks kinda tipsy. They go outside for a breather and she thinks of texting ML cuz she want to talk. She sends a barely understandable text to ML. 2nd ML asks if it was something sad, she admits it is sad (montage of her eating alone until pic of her and ML eating happily). He thinks she's talking about abondaning her doctorate. She says that she's sad about it, but thinks there are better stuff out there for her, so she believes in her choice. 2nd ML blushes when he sees her smile. Suddenly her phone rings, its a very concerned ML! He gets out of his car and ML and 2nd ML have a stare down. 2nd ML asks "is he your boyfriend?" MC and 2nd ML turn to look at ML. Mc says "i think im drunk so ill head off!" Trying to escape the situation. Until ML grabs her hand taking her away.
    Ch.17 ML corners MC into a couch saying they should talk abouy what they could talk about the other day and why she was avoiding him. She calms down and responds, "i dont have to respond today, right?"  He says "well, there isnt a rule saying you have to respond to my questions"
    Foreplay/midsex convo time! She goes yo stop him and grabs something asking herself "a sweet potatoe? A carrot maybe? Why does he keep something like this in his pocket?" Turns out its his... he says he doesnt like how she doesnt express her feeling and tells her that if she doesn't like something that she should tell him. Basically he wants her to communicate and she thinks "Is he scared that I'll leave? But why? We don't have a defined relationship, nor do the feeling in my heart but i want to reassure this man that ill always be here without leaving
    (Ill do the other 2 chapters later)

    waheehee May 18, 2021 4:30 pm
    Ch.14 She returns home to tell ML the news and the story on how she got the job! They cuddle, he asks if shes done moving and if she is free tomorrow. Shes free so he tells her to leave it free so they can go o... Cherry_girl♡


    janine May 18, 2021 4:31 pm
    Ch.14 She returns home to tell ML the news and the story on how she got the job! They cuddle, he asks if shes done moving and if she is free tomorrow. Shes free so he tells her to leave it free so they can go o... Cherry_girl♡

    bestie, bless you for what you do (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

    JungSua May 18, 2021 5:10 pm
    Ch.14 She returns home to tell ML the news and the story on how she got the job! They cuddle, he asks if shes done moving and if she is free tomorrow. Shes free so he tells her to leave it free so they can go o... Cherry_girl♡

    ok another two plsss

    Cherry_girl♡ May 18, 2021 5:59 pm

    I hate that when you edit a comment, all the replys disappear!! Ill repost the translation again along with the raws!

    Cherry_girl♡ May 18, 2021 6:02 pm
    I hate that when you edit a comment, all the replys disappear!! Ill repost the translation again along with the raws! Cherry_girl♡

    Wait.. they don't delete!!?!?! Ive been lied to!!!!

    fahmida May 18, 2021 7:43 pm
    Wait.. they don't delete!!?!?! Ive been lied to!!!! Cherry_girl♡

    hihihi you literally should be a wattpadd artist

Cherry_girl♡ May 7, 2021 9:47 pm

I wish there there was a negative button on the rating scale where its just a poop emoji cuz this deserves it

    Someone June 11, 2021 2:40 am

    I didn’t mean to dislike this

Cherry_girl♡ May 7, 2021 9:34 pm

I was reading this on lezhin and dont really understand the plot... they were dating but she left cuz he was engaged to another girl. He wants her back, she wants him too but doesnt cuz.... idk i think hes still engaged to the other girl. And he couldn't break off the engagement with the girl but still want to marry or date the MC. Like understand she doesnt want to be with someone whos about to mary another person even if he only loves her and not the the girl. ALL THEY DO IS FUCK, GET KINDA MAD/EMOTIONAL LEAVE, MEET EACHOTHER AGAIN AND REPEAT!!!!

Cherry_girl♡ May 7, 2021 9:25 pm

Am i the only one who thinks the son is hotter than the dad? Like there are hot dilfs i LOVE but he just isnt it for me.

    Cherry_girl♡ May 7, 2021 9:26 pm

    His white hair makes him look like a grandpa with abs....

    Black&White May 10, 2021 9:08 pm

    I'm team son too

    Cherry_girl♡ May 10, 2021 9:31 pm

    Hold up. Just feel in live3 with Amer even more!! I still like the son but Amer is just.... idk he's special.

Cherry_girl♡ May 7, 2021 9:01 pm

I fucking hate this dude. The whole situation could've been cleared if he just said "oh hey, its me ur childhood friend. Oh you don't remember? It's probably because ive changed a lot, no worries!" But noooooooo! Imma corrupt our childhood memories, im.going to attempt rape you (or is it sexual assault? Idk). Im glad she put an end to that, she said no! She understands that she seeks the ghost of him and so does he and (seemingly) moves on. Dude is so entitled. Also, if your pining over someone and want something with them, you can't just go around fucking others. Sure you technically can, but will the other person trust your sincerity and think ur committed? NO!

Cherry_girl♡ May 5, 2021 12:18 am

Shitty... thats the best way to describe this. An automatic 1 star.

    Cherry_girl♡ May 5, 2021 12:28 am

    The art is good, the ploy is kinda interesting but they made an actually strong female lead into another weak damsel who doesnt know how to do anything. Also the line about her being a virgin is better because some men prefer women with integrity.... just ew but damn the art is good.

Cherry_girl♡ April 28, 2021 6:15 pm

Can i just state how MUCH i fucking hate ML!!! I hoped shed stay with the other dude but they pulled the yandere card to make him bad and thus not an option. And hello? Police? ML fucking raped MC and is just a shitty person. Friends with benefits are ok but i think someone should know if you have other friends and make their relationship clear. I honestly dont like this comic much... like at all. Except the art.. the art is good!

Cherry_girl♡ April 28, 2021 5:05 am

Should i read the manhwa? Is it different from the novel? Is there any changes? And most importantly, is the smut as good as the smut in the novel???? ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Uneventful April 28, 2021 5:13 am

    Yes there’s some smut! The Manhwa is following the same story line as the novel and there’s no changes to me. But I think there’s some miscommunication between the Lucia and the Duke. So just expect the miscommunication later on the Manhwa and a few chapters back.

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