PlumpSprouts's experience ( All 4 )

so due to recent events, lab classes got divided to group a and group b with 2 lab days per group, and you have one partner in which you switch who is the patient and whose practicing skills so we are not mixing germs when laying in bed. I did my skills Wednesday so Thursday was my day to watch over my partner, after the teach showed us a new ski......   1 reply
30 10,2020
I sorta had a relationship, if you can call it that, it went down in flames, after the phone call with the confession including me excepting her feelings, she never brought it up and started ignoring me. After that and realizing my feelings, I never had a relationship only crushes after that, I can't help but wonder about relationships you know? I......   1 reply
26 12,2019
Struggled with body images myself for quite a few years, emotionally ate do to bullying, and made it up my days of not eating, one of my memorable gains was 14 lbs, in half a summer, always thought this was how I was supposed to be and I was unhappy and unmotivated. Though it isn't, I wasn't putting any effort in my diet, exercise, or was invested ......   1 reply
26 12,2019
Came out the wrong way, too soon for me, I didn't seem 100% cause I wasn't confident in them yet, so people didn't take me as seriously (three years plus after coming out, still feeling the same) The family I came out to is understanding, in how I can't control what I am mentally and physically attracted to, and wanting me to be happy. I am extreme......   reply
26 12,2019

PlumpSprouts's answer ( All 4 )

Sounds fun! sends me a message if you still are in neeed of a Otaku friend~ We can move to discord or insta for better comunication tho (=・ω・=)   1 reply
27 10,2020
---I feel you, about the friends and hobbies that are usually done solo(drawing, reading, writing, plants, embroidery, etc) and most friends left to do there own thing. I am lucky enough to find a career that is both self satisfying and I can cope with the emotional/physical stress of the job(assisted living caregiver) I wanted to reply to see if I......   2 reply
12 02,2020
I am near by, but not in same state though T T, but if you want to chat online my discord is PlumpSprouts#9313 or just PlumpSprouts on insta, looking for fellow friends   reply
26 12,2019
about writing
Finding a good pace, make sure you give answers the readers are supposed to want to find out past, secret, etc Some stories may end up rushed or dragged out. With this character development to to events that occur, cause trauma or past issues don't poof away...Just my two cents on what to look out for,(btw I love slow pace) Best of luck in your eff......   reply
26 12,2019

PlumpSprouts's question ( All 0 )