Anonymous February 6, 2024 8:27 am

It was stated in the beginning that the house crumbled because of his children 1- had too much drive but not brains at all. 2- unfortunately was the second born but because she is a woman they didn't pay attention to how smart she is. 3- and the last one just didn't have any drive at all. And i don't know if the grampa had to involve himself more with them while they were growing up to ensure he would have a capable heir or something but he had to do something about that weasel motherfucker, the bitch is dumbasshell and entitled just because he is the first born like that the fuck is wrong with him

Anonymous January 5, 2024 2:58 am

I love how Cale was scared of ron and his son at first and they didn't like him but now he is like nobody gets to hurt my people while ron and his son are like our young master is the best

    Spangles January 9, 2024 5:53 am

    Still scary assassins, just his scary assassins, that he is also scared of.

Anonymous December 19, 2023 4:34 pm

No im already fucking crying!!! the fact that he probably wasn't at fault for his friend's death but he still gets blamed, by himself and his friend's son

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