This looks so good!!
I love military yaoi!!

I prefer it when the seme can't quite get with the program and ends up hurting the uke with some chick.. Only then realizing how much he loves the uke... Or a semes ex girlfriend comes in to store up some trouble... You know what I'm so desperate anything with a girl making trouble in the yaoi world is fine with me!! Thanks in advance!!

http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/jibun_katte/ - First thing that came to my mind ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

This is a dj though

Hey i remember i read this sometimes ago looks like this manga match with ur description http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/overdose/an/overdose-chapter-1.html

This kind of yaoi is very rare. These two are my favourites:
and its sequel

Does anyone know of some yaoi, where the seme dates or sleeps with someone else(guy or girl preferably a girl) to run away from the uke? A happy ending would be nice but I'd take it either or!! I'm wanting to go on a binge so as many as you can recommend please!!Thank you very much in advance!!

I literally only know one and it's a Haikyuu dj ahaha

I made a tag just for this : http://www.mangago.zone/people/tag/179149/Hidden+%E2%9D%A4+-%26gt%3B+Steals+GF%2FDates+Others/

So what's everybody all up in arms about?!? What's going on??

Dont worry about it, it is not that big of a deal

ikr??? I'm just one year older but i knew this site is illegal since i was 14 when i first discovered it lol

Nah, Ks and A Guy Like You are gonna be up and runnin on mangago (for now... lets hope they dont get dropped too...)
Window Beyond Window is dropped by fan translators and you have to buy them from lezhin if you wanna read the recent chapters now.. Dont worry tho I'm sure one day someone'll start posting the chapters again. one day.....
And the other manhwa that's dropped is Lover Boy. I heard that the author is getting people to remove all the illegal translations of it or something...
And theres one more thats not officially dropped by fan translators/talked about much: Warehouse.
Im not sure what's going on with Warehouse, though. I saw this post on insta and screencapped it. The author of Warehouse tweeted this. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/280445932980404224/310928183564435456/Screenshot_20170507-165703.jpg
Pretty harsh.. Most of the publicity that her comic got was from mangago. Probably more than 50% of her followers are "illegal readers" as she calls them. Sad...... Kinda liked that manhwa too.
Anywayy that should just about sum it up?

Killing Stalking and A Guy Like You are uploaded by anonymous people who buy/find the chapters, not a translation group. There's no way of knowing when they'll be uploaded or if they'll continue to be uploaded unless someone posts in the comments about it. The only ones that have almost certainly been dropped are the ones translated by atruebluewarrior (WBW and Lover Boy)
This will make you be happy, get mad, cry( happy and angry tears) i pretty much felt every emotion i can think of, all in a span of 6 chapters! And trust me, when I read the summery I was like, "pfft a whole life story?? In 6 chapters?? There won't be much to this!"
I was wrong.
I understand to each there own, but I'm on here almost everyday and its not until now that I've even come across this story, so i figured I'd help it out some!
The first manga that made me cry..I read it long ago.
(▰˘◡˘▰) thanks..but they were tears of joy.
Yeah, I'm really not too sure how I've Not come across this until now?! This is usually right up my alley! And i literally cried my eyes out..with happy(?) tears. Jus a wonderful read