I thought they were gonna make something of Jimmys knack of noticing things. Like maybe him joining the force as becoming reeses partner...
Student seme was so caring, kissing him so much after they had sex... Tho they did do it outside as I'm sure with no lube..but still! Out of all the lovers I think I would prefer him! Plus his grumpy face is such a turn on
doing it on the tree as well i mean ouch on the skin those horrible splinters on the butt afterwards
I wanted to be able too see what the father looked like! How many eyes do batsu have?
I absolutely love this story! Hopefully this will be an actual manga abs not just a teaser!!(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
That was so beautiful!! I'm happy with the HE(happy ending) !! For reals, I'm blubbering over here!!
(_( ( ' :' )/) (,(")(")Aww I loved this!! And was that a kitsun i saw there?? Hopefully this continues!!
This can't be all the story! There's such huge gaps there has to be more!
..... The ending seems a bit rushed, and disappointed me after reading such a good story...
it's true
..... The ending seems a bit rushed, and disappointed me after reading such a good story
Oops pay that up there no mind!
I thought they were gonna make something of Jimmys knack of noticing things. Like maybe him joining the force as becoming reeses partner...