I hated everyone in this story! But i think i hated kyung soo the most. every chance he had to get out of a situation he didn't do anything, everytime he should have spoke up he used sex instead. not to say Yule and his family aren't a bunch of nut jobs who should all be in the psych ward, but at least they could think things through enough to know what they were doing, kyung was an idiot,and no, I don't think it's all because of his trauma. Case in point, the ending. I just don't get how he goes about making his decisions.

I get a strong feeling of Stockholm syndrome. He was trapped with Yule for so long with little else except sex and fear that he was mentally conditioned to be dependent. With fear of injury to Dong Hyuk and the extra abuse from the older brother the poor guy was not mentally stable. He tried leaving a few times and it always backfired. Its sadly understandable why he became so passive to his own wellbeing. Guy was thoroughly traumatized.
Kinda sad there was no ending with the sister. She was probably the most stable (but still a bit off).

So yeah the uke's a dick.I
And I can get that they're in a country that's conservative, but his whole outlook on everything is selfish.
Like about asking for help and having to pay for it. Sure having to have sex for it is wrong( prolly the only bad thing the seme did, tho he did make that call even tho he thought the uke wasn't gonna go through with it, showing that he's not as douchy as I thought), but he's like, "why can't the president do this one favor for me?! How dare he ask me for something in return!! " i was raised to not ask for favors unless desperate and then return in abundance. I hate when people assume that others should do things for them. And who's the president to him anyways?! I don't know why he would think he'd get special treatment after the way he's been treating the president since finding out he's gay.
His whole attitude after agreeing pisses me off. Just listening to his thoughts annoyed the hell outta me. I just Can't understand people who Won't understand others.
I'll continue to read because I'm sure this will be a HE and the uke will grow as a person, but damn did almost everything he'd think piss me off!!
#-.-) Peace.

Both stories were great and so hot, but i couldn't get over the seme from the first story swiping up the uke's cum from the toilet stall and licking it! Blrgg!!

I agree, why make.such a point of having us see him do that..then never explain..?! Maybe coming from a waaay more possessive seme, but he's clearly not that.. To which I can only assume the author just wanted to make the story even more raunchy...but failed and just grossed everybody out. NP tho, I've still re-read it a couple times since then.

These felt too forced. Like in the first one. So the uke's been living there all this time and he's never noticed how thin the walls are?? You'd think that's not something you'd forget if you're planning on masturbating and calling out your next door neighbors name! The least he's could have done was go to the other side of the room, go to another room, or idk...DON'T CALL OUT HIS NAME!!
I know, it's an easy way to push the story along and create a little angst when the seme walked in, but I couldn't help but to get annoyed at the lack of sense.
The first was the worse at this but all of them did it to some extent.
SPOILERS!!..don't read if you haven't finished!!
What did he mean in Ch 76? When he was talking to that neighbor house wife?about paying a price and what he received in the end wasn't what he really desired after all. Does he regret doing all of that for such a person, or was he referring to how si yoon dies and he's now with that red haired chick? It felt more like the first one than the second, but I don't know why. It's not like he didn't know that si yoon was sleeping around. And even if he did end up falling in love with the red head, wouldn't he still be in love with si yoon? I mean, he almost killed himself over her dying!please give thoughts cuz I'm not getting this.