i love this story,and i love that its being dubbed,so thanks to the scantalation group!But the english is so horrible! between the grammar, and the misspellings i have a hard time getting through it.

I agree. Like it's not even understandable.
They should have just left it alone because now the story is even more confusing. First Shinobu is Karen and Makio's child and now he's Makio's brother? Like what???

and i love this manga, i really do....but come on, does she have to buy in to everything told to her still?? she's gonna be who's maid?!?! i didn't have much at that age but what common sense i did have would never let me be drawn in so so SO easily!!! and how many times does she have to be shown that she can trust tsuruga san?!?! i'm all for mistakes but as my families saying goes,"once for experience,twice as caution, thrice for life lessons, fourth...now your just waiting for your momma to beat that *ss, come here!!!" learn the damn lesson woman!!!
all that aside, i love this, how long it is, the relationship growth, everything. except the growth of the FMC, i hope to see something from her before i finish the ch.s they have out!!its needed.

That aspect of her doesn't go away anytime soon and as of the current chapters still hasn't gone away. I'm afraid it's probably just a flaw she will always have. She is very gullible and naive. I suspect this is how Sho manages to find a way to remain part of her life because someone with a bit of common sense would see all they would have to do is get some body guards (Lory would easily help her) and tell them as well as others in her life that she wants nothing to do with Sho. No calls, no surprising visits (he will be thrown out), no showing up at her work, etc. It can be easily done. Hell Ren would gladly assist if necessary. But no, she continues to play his games. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ She has enough people that would gladly help her. Moko! If it was Moko she would have been rid of Sho.

that was craziness!! I felt it was going no where and it didn't, but it was so funny I couldn't put it down!!! I read til the end... but it isn't the end...right?!?! SooooOooo... whats up, will there be more?? It's great, but nothing, and I mean nothing is concluded. Oh, and for me, the german pincher(or whatever his name) is the best!!! I'm hoping young Ju-Hyeon is alive and gets with him!! heck even that school girl at the end is fine, i just want him to be happy!!!
i love ch 13 when sherice
chaces the rabbit