Aiya, this hits close to home. It's sad, but death is something no one's able to escape from. I'm glad the mangaka decided not to shy away from it. The point was not about dying, but living and enjoying the time you have with the ones you Iove. I don't think this would have been as beautiful if the seme was somehow able to defy his death date.

Hmm, an ABO with no biting, knotting, or babies.... It's good without those, just different from most anything else in this troupe. I actually forgot that this was an ABO, until the omega brought up his work idea for pregnant make omegas clothing!!
I liked it, but would have loved to see more of the aspects that draw me to ABO stories in the first place, like the biting. I get that not all mangakas want to draw the sex scenes, so not getting to see the knoting if ok, but no claiming bite! Our was sort of a key down. In fact, in this manga, they seem to look down on all aspects that make them different them regular humans.... Tho i guess making babies is acceptable to them...But can they even do that without the alpha claiming the omega?? Siiigh, idk.
Aside from that the art was beautiful, and every time the main alpha smiled, I fell a little more in love with him. And i guess it's ok to have the alpha want to respect his omegas rights to freedom so much that he doesn't want to claim him..in this story it works...but just barely.

So in that last one, did they get together?? Can she even get with him after being a nun?? The way he said that he made her be a nun for X years made it seem like she wasn't going to be after that. But I'm not too sure how all that works! Sheesh aside from the first one, These all have such open endings!! But maybe that's why I'm going crazy over them! Lol

One of yukis tattoos disappeared!!!the one on his side! And what's he saying, I won't be able to get it up with a woman!! They had a laugh about it but then he got jealous over hearing haru slept with someone after the brother died. Sheesh!
It does make you wonder tho...if one day he'd have to get a wife and pop out a kid..I feel haru would understand and take it as a matter of course...And that kinda is sad. Dont mind my ramblings too much!

I don't think he needs to produce an heir though,,, since yakuza heads can appoint who they want to succeed them but it's most preferable for most to give them to their son to preserve the bloodline but i don't think yuki wants any of that unless yagami the fucker influences him to do so i just hope he dies w/o causing problems to yuki and haru
I'm so so glad someone picked this up!! I was stuck at Ch 3 for FOREVER!!! Thank yooou!! I'm really curious what happened to Liam. Whatever it was, I think those people kinda deserved what they got! They obviously were experimenting on him!!! Poor lil Liam! And Cavo!! Cavo is so SO meng, I can't even!!!