We didn't really get much insight into either of their minds which is quite the shame :/ it would've been a much better read if we actually knew what they were feeling and what their thought processes were. As it is we didn't actually get to know them on a personal level. Also when Hwan ripped out his knot, I thought that would play a much bigger role in Haejin's mind, bc that was really messed up and traumatic I imagine ><
Their happy phase was cute tho (if you ignore the beginning lmao)

I don't get it... why is Hakyung doing so much?! (He even broke his phone... just remove the sim card and reset it omfggg) Why is he basically fleeing??? I thought he would at least wait until the wedding, but instead he leaves before?! Wasn't he afraid of his boss losing everything, so what makes him think that his boss won't throw everything away when he left?!? Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ
Oh wow they're really going at it ლ(´ڡ`ლ)