Xilin's experience ( All 0 )

Xilin's answer ( All 2 )

Whenever i got a bad grade on my card i would instantly break down and i always end up thinking of killing myself. There's a big parking lot building near my school and I've thought of jumping off in that rooftop instead of going straight home after school. To all students out there, please dont be like me   reply
24 05,2024
about question
I would probably kill the person i hate the most   reply
08 05,2024

Xilin's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did fall for a same sex person

i still fell for her till this day..and man she was my first awakening too. even tho we don’t talk anymore i’m just admiring her from afar

2 hours
did explain your username

I honestly typed a bunch of the same letter, it isn't squealing hahah

5 hours
did my first boyfriend

toxic but learned a lot

7 hours