Hmmm... I hope this doesn't because a yaoi, and if it does,i dont want the mc and 15 to a pair and remain not sexual. Its pretty obvious why, i do ship the other side characters tho. Louis reaction is 100% reasonable due to whats happening (trauma of sexual assault and attempt rape) and him ignore 15 is also understandable (broke his arm and attempt of sexual assault). Ill give 15 a small benefit of the doubt, because it really does seems like he really doesn't know what he was doing, but still it happened ( WHICH SUCKS CAUSE I LOVE HIM DAMN, I WAS SO HAPPY ;-;) and (SPOILERS)
judging from the raws he does improve quick which is good, its gets better on as the story progresses.

I have the raws until chapter 69, if any one can summarize chapter what is happening please do so

From what I can understand thanks to google translate, in ch 69 Nephtys went to speak on behalf of Seth. She told them that he didn't imprison her for helping Isis escape. Seth never locked her up or used violence against her, she chose to lock herself up to atone for her mistakes. I think she tells them about having conceived Anubis with Osiris, and how she lied to Seth for centuries about Anubis being his son, and that's why she locked herself up.
Then Anubis overhears, Isis faints, and the gods are all shocked. They start to say that it was all because of Nephtys. Ra shows up behind Nephtys and tells her that even though Seth was hurt by Nephtys' actions, that didn't give him the right to do as he pleased. So basically, even though shit happened to him, that didn't give him the right to kill innocent people, try to force Isis into marrying him to keep the throne, destroy temples, and all that. Which I mean. She's right. And that's where ch 69 ends!

I mean, he should.
Seth's a victim of Osiris, but he still did a lot of bad stuff to innocent people when he could have just told the truth. Like Ra said, in the end, his actions are his own and he shouldn't have victimized others.

I think it's kinda implied that is not very liked among other gods. And in their society he would be looked down as rape victim. Who was going to help? Ra? Isis? Nephtysis? Who helped Anubis even if he never asked(he is slowly dying from curse)?Honor is everything.

He's mostly not liked because he destroyed their temples while looking for Isis. I don't mean he should have expected help, because the gods didn't even help Isis (mostly because they were mad at her) but even if he was punished for killing Osiris, it wouldn't have been as bad because at least he wouldn't have done all the awful stuff he ended up doing. The point is that yes, he is a victim, but he was wrong to victimize others who were innocent. Now he has to deal with the consequences of his mistakes that had nothing to do with what others did to him. Like the murdering of innocents and the mess he made out of Egypt.

What if he had mental breakdeon after all that shit that happened to him and got completely mad. He looked unstable af in ch61. When he murder those boys and was crying.

He was like that because he was drugged and drunk and he'd just had a fight with Anubis resulting in him running away, so Seth was at his worst. A lot of the things he did were done when he knew what he was doing, and he even brags to Isis about all the women he killed just because they looked like her.
I mean, I like Seth. I hope he has a good ending(probably won't be "happy" given the way the story is going, lol) but he isn't always a good person, just like all the other gods aren't always good. They all do messed up things, but Seth can't blame all of the things he did on what happened to him. And that's kinda the point, you can't victimize innocents because you were victimized.

Maybe im just dumb but the seme scares me. Ok hear me out, something about the almost blank face that he gives is scary as shit to me. Probably because im used to the faces having saturated expression. Im not saying he doesnt have expression, im saying that he's expression are suttle. Although i hate his action im very interested in his backstory. Also his thought of mind interest me, usually the seme is will announce onto why they're like this or there intentions but onto this one i have no clue unto why hes been like this. Hes very silent and mysterious. I like him as a character ark and visual design (but he can rolt in hell for his actions)

I like how people are tell other that if they don't like this type of manga then dont read it..... BOY I WISH MANGAGO will give us that option of see a tag that says rape see if it includes rape or not. Without having to experience first hand just read the tag, has rape? Don't read! Oh if you say that "there's a warning right there!" You dont understand what i mean. Just because it says it has violence and sexual theme it isnt enough to warn people what their actually going to see. I wish there was a way for people to tag thing as rape if rape is included. That way people who don't like rape dont read and people who..... do.... Can read? And if their is an option to tag rape then why the fuck aren't the publishers not taging? It is so important to tag thing to let people know what their going to read

Oh and for the people complain about how others are complaining about not liking a seme.... Dont read the comments? dont like people complaining about what they dont enjoy? Dont read the comments simple one two step. Just like people always tell you dont like this shirt dont buy it! Simple easy and effective! only 0.00 dollars that right no more fussing no more stress, only by not scrolling down!

LMAO! This is definitely directed to me.
Your argument is hilariously pathetic. Seungho already raped the MC before this chapter was released, if you really don't like it then why are you still here? Why did you went all out and read the new chapter? Don't be a hypocrite.

Listen mangago can’t be jerking you off. This is obviously a site with minimum regulation + rules. You came on here and you know what to expect. Are stories with rape always going to be tagged as rape? No they’re not. By seeing descriptions of violence and sexual theme however you can probably assume that yes, there may be rape themes in certain stories. You’re reading at your own caution.
I know that this sucks, and I do wish that people who didn’t want to read rape didn’t have to, but in a website with so many uploaders and readers, there isn’t going to be a 100% guarantee. This is a website where people are not exactly legally uploading thousands of manga. It’s not like Webtoon where you have to confirm you’re 18+ when viewing a chapter with sexual elements in it. You, as a reader, cannot expect the polish and advantages of a legal website while using a free not so legal one. Can’t have your cake and eat it too. So I’d suggest straying from mangas with sexual theme + violence tags or at the very least drop a comment asking “does this story have rape” and then act accordingly.

Im pathetic? First of all it wasn't meant for you, your account is in anonymous so how would i know? And second, if the people who scan this would know before they even but on here. Do you think there that dumb? And second of all im saying it to both of the people who complain about the rap le and those who are complain about people complaining. So before you start coming into conclusions, yes i enjoy the story and i would continue reading. Im saying this so it can be easier for people not to read story with rape without a warning. Just because it says it has violence and sexual themes. For some people rape isnt going to be first thing they come to main. And for the record i been here since the first chapter. Im just saying this now because it becoming intense on the comments section. So instead of been an ass and not reading what said carefully then you would understand where im coming from.

Im sorry but i disagree, let compare to myreadingmanga which is another website. And also i will like to clarify that this isnt my first time reading as i said to the anon. I said that i wish that there was a way for mangago to have a rape tag or allow uploder to include rape. It not that hard, and also that +18 doesnt mean anything. You can be an adult and still be sensitive abiut this topic. Ill tell you that even if it had many viewer that still doesnt mean anything. Its like a hashtag, Ao3, which is a platform with many viewers can do it so can this. Myreadingmanga has it so why cant this one. I doesnt make sense. Also that just ask if it has rape? That just so dumb when you can just check yourself it has rape. Many scan group put out warning because they know that some of their viewers dont like rape or anything like that. It not that hard, just to put a warning in the first chapter oh hey this has rape! Also if the description of violence and sexual theme is still incorrect because for many people rape isnt the first thing that comes into their mind. Especially for people who are just starting into looking in yaoi or in any manga in that matter.

You acting like the people who doesnt publish this didnt see it first then the peopel who bought. Which i bet isnt you. If you can but a warning on a video when something is about to happen then you but a warning with the rest of the photos. That why im saying if the scan group knows theres going to be rape, which i know they do, then they should put a warning. And even if mangago didnt know they still should give out the option. Also the people making the tag isnt mangago is the uploders.

First of all dumbass, I brought the chapter (I buy both the raws and the official english version, don't deflect sweetie.) Second of all, it isn't a video. Third, they don't have to put a warning if they don't want to. Grow up, if it bothers you so much, don't read it. As someone who uploads (which I do translate other manga), you don't have to tag each chapter. You're acting so fucking entitled. The scanners don't have to place anything on here. Read at your on discretion. How dare you tell people how to run an illegal site. Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit.

Ok....And? What do you want me to do about it? Or for that case anybody else on this thread? The things that you’re mentioning are things that average readers of this site are not going to be able to change. I’m not against having trigger warnings for the site. I think it’s unlikely to happen and will be hard to enforce, but I’m not against it. Rape can be and is a sensitive topic for many of those 18+. Go on any story on here with rape and you will see commenters who share your opinion and are uncomfortable with it.
Scantalators putting a rape warning before chapters is a good idea and I’ve seen some do that before, but in a site with so many uploaders and so many different scantalation teams it’s going to be difficult to have everybody doing the same thing. Also as the commentor above said, this is an illegal site where scantalators literally take money and time out of their day to translate and share these stories with us. They aren’t getting paid for this, they have no need to post the stories that they’ve translated on here. So we should be thankful for what they’ve given us and read with discretion.
The point is, there is nothing wrong with trigger warnings and I’m sure nobody is against having a rape warning. But the thing is, you’re talking to the wrong crowd here. If you really want to make a change, I’d suggest reaching out to the site admins or something of the sort. I don’t know if they’re active but they’re the only ones who can make these sorts of changes. For the meanwhile, yes it’s not the best, but all you can do is check tags and ask people (if you really want to avoid rape)- “hey could someone let me know if this has rape in it”? and move on. It’s not foolproof but it’s really all that we have at the moment.

The comments man,,,,, the comments,,,,,, i can't. I really hope y'all get therapy or get away from people because damn. I feel bad for the way y'all reacting. If a friend or someone you care about comes up to you and tells you that someone has been staking them, and making them uncomfortable. I hope your first thought is that they are meant to be together just because they are hot. Also the victim blaming man, the victim blaming.

No, wanna know why? Because they are blaming a victim and justify a bad guys actions. That why, like a bad character that fine but when you read the comments you can see that they think the victim is to blame when he shouldn't be. Read what you want but saying that he didn't do anything and say that this obsession is cute is not it. Your the one how need to clam down i see you responding madly on the comments section. Not me

Oops, I hit post by accident. Embarrassing, but I can start over~
I'm not the one telling people that they need therapy or despairing over people's comments, so I'm confident I've got the right person. And there is only one person who is legitimately victim blaming and the comments section just went wild accusing everyone of victim blaming. Also, no one is trying to justify Jihyun's actions; many people acknowledge that he has issues.

Some of this comments that are cheering for this kind of behavior is so sick, it not even funny. Loving complex characters is fine but i hope you have half a brain cell to understand that this type of behavior is abusive. He's a manipulated fker, that not only is abusing chiwoo but almost rap him the past. But y'all not ready for that conversation.
Not the one person in the comments blaming the uke for not coming out to his partner for the assult even tho he was literally manipulated and gaslighted into think HE was at fault for the assult. Also the whole ' HE SHOULD HAVE REPORT HIM ' yeah he shouldve, but do you not understand the whole fucking trauma he was going through? Do you think it's so fucking easy for a victim to go to the authorities? Especially when majority of the time male victims arent taken seriously? Or most of assults victims for that matter? Its not so easy as you think it fucking is, again ESPECIALLY when he just came from his assult. His assaulter LITERALLY manipulated him to thinking HE was at fault do you not understand how fucking hard it is to get your brain to say no I was fucking not? Lord, why the hell you blaming the damn victim? And don't come with the bullshit of ' THEN WHY DID HE ACT SO GO LUCKY WITH HIM?' again, do you not understand how some victims react to their abusers? He's a known friends of his so of course his brain will try and shield him from the trauma especially if it someone close to you. Think person think. This happens to victims who abusers where friends, lovers or family members, so blaming him for acting that way is so fucked lord the victim blaming is over the roof!
Usually in other gay manga's when there is sexual assault or Rape nobody ever talks about it and they ignore it and move on because the person is "hot" and make excuses so I'm so fucking happy to see this comment I was thought i was gonna see everyone ignoring it again. so I was sexual assaulted and I didn't speak up because I didn't know what sexual assault was so these comments are so important to me and other survivors, I was so angry the whole time reading it after that scene and I was so confused because it never came up, I had to go back through and read and see what happened since i couldn't go on reading the first time. It's so annoying to see people thinking its easy to tell the cops, some people can't live through it again and having to explain it to people is harder, even harder when then cops they have different reactions and don't believe it and your so right male survivors are almost never believed.
also gosh, they seriously need warning's of those type of scenes, It can be very dangerous to someone's mental health to just be reading a nice romantic sexual book and without being warned having to see something they've lived through that's fucked up their lives carelessly thrown into a book like that. I hope The guy finds someone to talk to about what happened and gets clarity to what the guy did and realize it wasn't his fault.