Yikes's experience ( All 0 )

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Yikes's question ( All 3 )

about question
This is my fav bl, ranked top to bottom. Gimme a review is it classy or trashy

08 08,2024
about question
What are u guys studying in college (if u go)? I’m just really curious if we got any future brain surgeons on this cursed website.
08 08,2024
about question
THIS IS A NO WRONG ANSWER ZONE. What are the most overrated manga/manhwa on this site? I’ll go first. Cherry blossoms after winter. Just didn’t vibe with the mc cause he was kinda wimpy and the ml just kissed him without warning so I didn’t have a fun time reading it.
23 07,2024

People are doing

did vent

I rarely vent with words. I use actions to demonstrate what I meant. People should try it sometimes. I don't want to live with regrets.

1 hours
did scuba diving


1 hours
did grab someone's shirt

The most memorable one for me was rescuing a kid from falling down a cliff while we were hiking. Adrenaline rushed as I swooped down to help

1 hours