She’s starting to get on my nerves for real -.-
Thinking about it logically, wouldn’t it be her best interest to stop Ale from falling in love with the blonde girl? I mean from the way she sees it, everything will happen like it’s written in the novel. So why would the blonde girl choose Ale? Why should the ending change if the story stays the same??
If she won’t, I at least will take Ale happily and I will make sure of his happiness myself.
Also if she thinks of herself as a lowly maid, she should behave like one and not decide for Ale what makes him happy :/

I’m so glad to have Eren back, like the real one and not the one from after the timeskip. He felt so unnatural this whole time and I wholeheartedly support him in whatever he does now (but only if these actions involve protecting our precious squad).
I just hate Gabi more than ever and that comparison to Sasha was just disrespectful ( ̄へ ̄)
Like can Flock and Gabi just drop dead already??
I also can’t believe Annie woke up :0 I just hope she will join Erens side to finally be free from Marley and to get back to her father.
I want a happy future for everyone in this universe (also for Gabi if she stops it with the killing intent towards our squad) where race, gender or background won’t matter.
And last but not least, I’m so sad about Pixis Σ(っ°Д °;)っ he was one of my favorite characters <3

Usually I'd find any reason for the uke to behave a certain way but idk I'm kinda getting sick of the "I've been hurt before so now I behave like a complete dick and hurt possible boyfriends b4 they can hurt me"-trope. Like yes, I get it. You've been hurt before. And yes, you don't want to get hurt again. BUT that doesn't justify hurting the other person like ???
Also I kinda wish for the seme to just give up on Minato and go for a drink (just talking) with that new blonde guy from the party. And then Minato realizes that if he doesn't hold on to seme, then seme won't hold on to him.
This stresses me out.
Some years ago I could cope with that (or with everything) just finde but now...
I guess I'm getting old. D:

I totally get why Jihyun is disliked and I also did... but somehow after coming back to it after like two weeks I suddenly kinda like him ???!
I mean I've liked his looks since the start and I also like the loving-someone-so-much-it-makes-you-crazy theme but I don't like his abusive behavior...
Everyone seems to be head over heels for Kyujin but I honestly don't really like him... I mean yeah he's cute and all but if you pay attention to it, he's really pushy. He too doesn't listen when Chiwoo says No and I get similar vibes from him and from the Jihyun of the past (leaving out the beating someone half to death thing) ...
(I also don't like his looks oops but I guess that's just a taste thing)
So actually I'm rooting more for Jihyung BUT after reading the spoilers people put in the comments ... I just wanna slap him real hard. Like man don't do that shit.
I get you're scared of losing him but hurting the people around him won't suddenly make him love you. Go abroad ffs, return as a respectable member of society after a year or so and then take your man (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

Why is everyone booing only the seme?
I mean yes, he raped the uke bc in the end it turned out the way that uke didn't want it BUT can we talk about the trashy uke for a bit?
He played with seme's feelings, said he wants to have sex (both times!), suddenly changes his mind in the middle and then screams "rape" afterwards. I mean wth?
So if you say that the seme raped the uke physically, you also have to consider that the uke raped the seme psychologically.

The uke made terrible decisions and acted VERY shittily but a lot of that can be attributed to the fact that his father is VIOLENTLY homophobic. He didn’t want to genuinely get involved w the seme; he wanted an idyllic First and Last Time, so that he could live peacefully in the closet. Feelings can be complicated, and being a flake is redeemable. Rape, on the other hand..

This rape thingy is very confusing to me even tho I'm a woman. Like if someone consents you in the beginning, then after sex, they take back the consent, is it considered sex? Then how can you know and prevent that ? And then if someone said no at the beginning, then after that they are ok with it, then is it still rape ? I read some documents my university gave me, they said consent can be given after. And I'm so confused

If AFTER sex they take back the consent, it's not the fault of the person who fucked them, are they some kind of a physic to know that they will change their mind later on? Lol? And if they say no BEFORE the sex and the person still does it, it is considered rape, even after the person who got fucked says it was good.

Thank you for not only insulting my intelligent but also trying to make yourself superrior. I'm asking questions because this idea is new to me, is it so hard just to want to know something? You don't have to answer me if my question annoyed you so much just to insult me. I'm asking because I have seen people who use "was raped" as their weapon and to take benefit of that and I have seen many people confused about sexual harassment / verbal harassment with rape. I find the definition was very vague and I want to make it's clear. Just like when I have sex then regretted it, I can take my consent back and scream rape. Or when I'm drunk, have sex ( which people said I can't give consent) and later on I'm ok with, yet you can still blame someone I have sex with during that period raped me. This is nothing related to the manga, but this is very confusing. I'm not going to argue with you tho, because not matter what I say, you will just find something to insult me. so Bye

@scarletofmagic You got salty real quick, when I was writing that I wasn't trying to annoy you, I just wrote it down cause come on now, it's common sense, also do you even know what superiority means? don't just use it in the simplest things, kid.
And you really sound like you're traumatized about someone insulting you, well get over yourself.

Everyone be complaining about him not getting her consent while I'm actually pretty sure the pills won't work.
I mean normally everyone has light and dark in them and she just doesn't... She also jumped through time, so she is either already dead or something along the lines.
Or maybe being filled (doesn't matter if with darkness or light) will make her go back to her world hmmmm o.o
Is it just me or does it make anyone else uncomfortable to see Takato always saying no to Chunta but he still does whatever he wants??
I mean judging by the dozen comments declaring everything as rape under like every yaoi ever - but this one... people don't see this as rape? (I mean neither do I but ...)
I mean rape in mangas doesn't really bother me that much. I think that's because most of the time it only happens once - when they fall in love and have sex again both enjoy it so it's cool for me.
But this one leaves me with a bitter aftertaste, it seems like Takato really doesn't want it. It's no playful "no~ don't~ but actually I want it" but rather a "no I really don't want it, stop please" and it's almost every time like that.
Also I feel like Chunta doesn't really like Takato bc wouldn't one normally care for their partner more? I feel like he's very selfish and always does things Takato does not want.
In the recent chapter for example Takato just wanted to learn his lines but he didn't get to do that bc of a certain someone. Also he didn't want to do it in the bus bc someone could come in and see. And for me doing that can be a turn on if both agree to it or if it's a completely thought up rape scenario. But they are supposed to love each other???
I was really worried about Takato not being able to do his lines right. I mean he did a good job in the end but that did have to be the case necessarily. And Chunta didn't seem to care about it one bit?? Like if he said something like "I know you will do a good job, you need to relax sometimes" that'd show he cares about Takato and what's important for him.
I mean it's cool that Chunta doesn't care whether Takato does well on his job or doesn't but Takato cares?
I don't know but when everyone is like "woah they are hella cute" I just don't feel it...
Like am I missing something real big here?
Or is my concept of love wrong?
Σ(っ°Д °)っ
You probably don't find it interesting that's all
They're one of my favourite couples and it isn't like this is full on rape.
The first chapter for literally a few pages were actual rape (no consent) but everything else wasn't. It was half-consent like most other yaoi mangas. Plus if you watch the anime instead you'll literally ignore everything else since in the anime he doesn't actually rape him. He kisses him and then Takato consents.