I still can't believe author spent all the season with this guy. Chapter 41 is the last for season 2.
The season 2 ended when Director Kang was talking with this guy in the balcony meanwhile Yiyoung drunk several bottles of wine. Doyeon really humiliated himself. He knows director and Yiyoung are dating. He is mad with Yiyoung because he took director from him. He thinks that now that director it's dating a guy and this guy it should be him. Total waste of the season. And knowing the author she will come back with season 3 maybe around March or April
Whhh I hate this girl. To have a whife and make a baby. If it's not ordinary it's better without it. Who do you think you are? She said Mr. Kwon has money so every girl will love to have a chance with him. Listen guys I had to get my anger out. I'm straight but people that think they know what's best for someone else are the worst.
Main characters are starting to feel like side characters