Holyyy, this is so well written my heart is achiiing and goosh i really hate it when bitches make theyre move ugggh
How can they be they both erotic and cuuute like holyy shiiiirt
Fudge that is shorrrt, cant wait for more daaate date!
A bonding with bond, so kawaiii( ꈍᴗꈍ)
Holyyyyyy, i too would leapt into time and space just to fall in love with this story (。ŏ﹏ŏ)(・ω・) so much love for this story
I knew it! Its now his turn
The interview part was soooo cute and the kiss too
Oh my hopeless jihoo
Yes yes, nice goo yuna!
Owww cmooon!! Don't leave now, how much we will have to wait again for mooore fuwahfuwha
Holyyy, this is so well written my heart is achiiing and goosh i really hate it when bitches make theyre move ugggh