Lee Ahreum, who has precognitive dreams, started to recall the nightmares that she had already forgo...
- Author: Yung
- Genres: Fantasy / Action / Drama / Supernatural / webtoons
Random genre
Anyone know any vampire or zombie reads? Preferably colour
I literally don’t care what genre these little supernatural freaks own my brain
Preferably colour
I’ve been crying at this for like two hours as I binged the end, so sad for such a heartwarming story can’t help but feel so upset for jihun
I’ve always been a little bored with kind, heroic main characters, especially those that refuse to kill anyone. It’s just a bit boring. So, I made a list of Mc’s without those morals
- absolutely evil MC, through and through.
- MC wasn’t evil at first, but something happened to him/her that made him/her a the way they are now.
- pretends to be nice and innocent.
- MC is emotionless when killing, and seemingly show no emotion/remorse.
This list includes links to WEBTOON,
I’m bored and queer
God I hate the black haired guy so much I will actually tear my eyes out and never read anything again if they end up together
Any apocalyptic preferably zombies and in colour
I’m reading currently ‘I’ve become a crow. I’m not huge on the story but I love the premise, especially when she has to deal with her crow instincts haha. Anyone have any similar recommendations?
Any genre is
Love the genre some really good gems, but does anyone have any recs where the mc actually does some villiany stuff?
Feel like reading about some vampires, love all genre just no smutty stuff. Love when the vampires actually act like vampires. Webcomics preferable! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
Love lisha so much but DANIEL is my nemesis. Do not like that thing. I Miss cain he would listen to mcr and chill. Hate Daniel. Definitely is gunning to her ending up with him :((((((