CoolllyYo created a topic of Yours to Claim

Yanni is that you?

Context: During Cain and Jooin snusnu scenes Yahwi stans got mad and made a new character called Yanni to be with Yahwi (they even @ the author about it)
Im calling the uncle Yanni since they look alike.

Reading others opinions and I notice something. I'm really piss off at the writer. They whitewash the shit out Erez so he wouldn't get hate but they mess up Keira character so much that in the end Keira got the hate instead...all the sake for fucking romance???

And I'm getting sick of yall calling Keira horrible names. Her feelings are also fucking vaild.

Those who read the novel what do y'all think of the changes that happen in the recent chapters?

Read 107 glad Keira realized her mistake and now know he's the one who's more hurt. But I'm not even mad at Keira but at the author for making Keira like that. Keira in the novel accepted him because she's knows he's different from other demons. I hate the author for making Keira slightly xenophobic, real Keira would never act that why. This change caused so much hate on Keira I was more pissed at the author. All because they added freaking romance to a novel that wasn't in the romance genre. If y'all don't know it's obvious they is to lead to reconcile with the ML

CoolllyYo created a topic of Yours to Claim

Cain stans really have some interesting things they're mentioning and pointing out. I want point out something.
With Yahwi it's always raining when they met and slightly dark gloom background all that's colorful is a rainbow flag
With Cain, it's always lights, things that illuminate, in ch.75 showed us fireworks to light up the sky and when it's comes to rain Jooin said Cain is a gentle spring rain

Seeing reactions on different platforms and it's weird. So I'm point out, yes the situations are different. But I noticed when Joseph beg Keira to let him help she rejected him due to her past life trauma of sacrifice and hurt his feeling but I didn't see no one blame her about it and "understood" her, but now it was Erez turn, he got his feelings her suddenly it's Keira fault, all the blame on her?? As if she wasn't traumatized by a demon in her first life, so of course her reaction was strong. It's like y'all completely threw y'all understanding out for one guy but not the other