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I got curious because of the comments so I went to buy chapter 99. Jooin doesn't even say he miss yahwi, he implies he has some regrets on things but things are fine now. He thinks about both his relationships with Cain and Yahwi and the decisions he made. In Yahwi scene he remembers Jooin, I don't know if he misses him, he doesn't say, he probably does but all he talks about is how thankful he is to Jooin for guiding him into a better life as Jooin was the light he needed to start anew. I still think all three will eventually meet again in one way or another.

I would like to add that Jooin thought of his past and the relationships, I believe after half a year or so, judging by his friends words, then after that it's was like 2-3yrs timeskip as he now graduated.

*repost because some of yall were rude asf.