The person who reported it is actually such a hyprocrit probably just brought 2 manga in their life and think higly if themself like sorry dude but if reading here is so bad how did you even notice it was posted here like wtf are you even doing here arent you supposed to be in the original website huh? How tf can you even know abt how this website works if you never read here
This is even more cringy when you know how most actual arabian people are
basically yes i mean maybe not completly but believe me it could really really really really hard to met an arabian person like the one portrayed in manga like for example just meeting an openly gay arabian person is pretty unlikly since it s considered a crime in most arabic country so on top of that if it s a prince it s even more unlikly and evrn if he is gay he probably wouldnt flirt kiss and do that kinda thing so freely like in this manga ( like he litteraly kissed the dude in front of everyone irl he wouldnt be able to do it for example)
Do you think there's a manga that has correctly represent the arab and not those stereotypical camel riding open gay princes (=・ω・=)
I never knew that those were stereotypes not till now you pointed it out. I've always believed it, you know "Free" the swimming anime they ride camels for their end song? Or op song?
İ want the black haired omega to also have a story he is such and interesting character