So many comments seem like Yamada did something so horrendous? Yes, he should have been more sensitive to Akane's feelings and considered what he knows about her past, but that does not mean he shouldn't have friends of the opposite sex.
You can tell from his personality that it's just not something he thinks of, a friend is a friend. They both just need to communicate, but this is a manga so we'll see how long this goes on.

(Currently at Vol 8. ch. 30 so this comment is just made in the moment since the story is up to Vol 13)
Hananoi-kun… they may be “good people” but they’re absolutely awful parents, I’m with your (Japanese) grandmothers feelings on all this. Feels a bit too glossed over and ~friendly~ with the dad considering how much this story goes into how messed up he was because of them. One comment from Hotaru didn’t feel like enough. I hope more is said.

I don't read a lot of Manhwa as often I'm disappointed by the endings, but decided to give this one a go and just... wow. So glad I read it, I loved it from start to finish. I adored both couples and kept wishing the stories would never end, the mix of having the fluffy couple and then the more angst-y couple was great. I would love to have been able to see them all past graduation in their future lives, but was still incredibly pleased with the happy endings!
And that Asexual representation with JJ! Hell yeah, definitely not something you get to see in manga/manhwa! As I was going through the story I did wonder if he was, and my thoughts came to be true, I'm so happy to see some representation even if it wasn't a main part of the story!
10/10, Will definitely read again.
It really feels like we're reaching the end which is so bittersweet. Its been a beautiful journey, I hope I'm wrong.