Toe created a topic of Jinx

I just know the author will do something dramatic from the next future chapters. Jaekyung is worried about Dan but he can't straight out say it since he's prideful

Toe created a topic of Finders Keepers
Toe created a topic of Love Obsession
Toe created a topic of The Hounds of Sisyphus

Why are they edging me bro pls just...fuck already

Toe created a topic of High School Boy

That DID NOT LOOK like a chocolate icecream

Toe created a topic of Backlight

I just know the upcoming angst will break me

Toe created a topic of A Gloomy Delusion

That dih is the size of my Dove lotion bottle

Toe created a topic of 1 to 10

Oof i love this gimme moreeee

Toe created a topic of The Hounds of Sisyphus

I'm curious...what if there's stitches on his shaft too? I mean..just a thought

I'm scared someone will find out I fw this

Toe created a topic of Jinx

Man...I just know I'll come to love jaekyung once the future chapters turns a 360° when he'll be realising he loves dan (◡ ω ◡)

Toe created a topic of Eighteen's Bed

Everyone's crazy. I shouldn't have touched this

Toe created a topic of Kegare no nai Hito

This is by far the most disgusting thing I've read. I'm concerned about my mind wellness

Toe created a topic of Slammer Dogs

I still don't know what's those round things around long hair guy's dick

Toe created a topic of Bride of Ignat

I'm going feral. I want the update

Why these highschoolers can't just be normal bullies these are straight up serial killer shit

Toe created a topic of Driver's High
Toe created a topic of High School Boy

I just know the author like twinks, femboys, small delicate boys with that perky small breasts like iltak idk just sayin'

Toe created a topic of The Hounds of Sisyphus