I just know the author will do something dramatic from the next future chapters. Jaekyung is worried about Dan but he can't straight out say it since he's prideful
Why are they edging me bro pls just...fuck already
I'm curious...what if there's stitches on his shaft too? I mean..just a thought
Man...I just know I'll come to love jaekyung once the future chapters turns a 360° when he'll be realising he loves dan (◡ ω ◡)
This is by far the most disgusting thing I've read. I'm concerned about my mind wellness
I still don't know what's those round things around long hair guy's dick
Why these highschoolers can't just be normal bullies these are straight up serial killer shit
I just know the author like twinks, femboys, small delicate boys with that perky small breasts like iltak idk just sayin'